

times someone was humbled

21 Satisfying Times People Witnessed Someone's Ego Get Crushed

Delicious smooshed ego.
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cringeworthy bragging people who think they're smart

Cringeworthy Mind Tyrants Who Think They're Geniuses

Why do people have to be like this.
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people who think they are very smart

Bragging Mind Lords Who Believe They're Total Geniuses

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annoying and ridiculous people who believe they're smart | me trying to keep myself from posting what I really know Star Trek big brain aliens Talosians

Mistaken Brain Lords Who Believe They're Geniuses

Lying about your IQ doesn't make you smart.
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ridiculous people who think they're smart and brag about it | use long words make sound more photosynthesis Photosynthesis is plant converts energy sun into energy its body word can not be used sentence 16:04

Ridiculous People Who Think They're Geniuses

Cool, man.
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Ridiculous bragging people who believe that they're geniuses | might be an alpha nerd, but am an omega nerd. My knowledge is encyclopedic, my vocabulary loquacious. If hasn't scared off already s pretty good sign p Wed, Feb 7, 2018, 10:18 PM 's an encyclopedia

Absurd People Who Think They're Brilliant

Oh boy.
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People who aren't smart but brag about being intelligent online | Laugh away know divide by zero haven't figured out mathematical/physical ramifications my discovery all way, yet, but needless say feel great responsibility research its effects on reality before publishing my work. Like said, laugh away, but outpaced Einstein and Steven Hawking by discovering math they couldn't envision *and withholding my ideas until ok with understanding will happen public expect release this new, outrageously

Ridiculous Individuals Who Believe They're Geniuses

Oh boy, widen the doorway for big brain man.
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People who think they are very smart | do mean typical and rest class lets be honest now am far above everyone including have luck are group with and give less work? such dumb action but could be expected will go ther group will appreciate Typ een chatbericht GIF

Absurd Individuals Who Believe They're Utter Geniuses

Coming to ruin a comments section near you.
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Cringeworthy people who think they're very intelligent |  just spent most my Saturday reading loads Shakespeare plays and sonnets, and honestly don't see all fuss is about wrote better pieces work 5 minutes, his style is so outdated and simplistic s honestly laughable he is so highly regarded his work reminds stuff seen pre schoolers do lol. Not trying say bad person if enjoy his works guess my mind is more complex comes stuff like haha

Cringeworthy Braggarts Who Believe They're Geniuses

Ruining a comments section near you!
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People who think they are geniuses and brag about it online.

Self-Titled Brainiacs Who Stained The Internet with Their Cringeworthy Egos

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Cringeworthy people who brag about how smart they think they are.

Cringeworthy Braggarts Who Think They're Too Smart for This World

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People who think they're smart but are just cringeworthy.

Cringeworthy Brain-Lords Who Think They're Geniuses

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People online bragging about how smart they are.

17 Smart-tastic Brain Lords Whose Self-Importance Knows No Bounds

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twitter annoying cringe smart bragging ego IQ social media brain ignorant funny intellectual - 8390149

15 Smarty Pantses Whose Brains Are Too Big for Their Britches

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people who comment on things thinking they're being smart

17 Lords of Intellect Who Used Their Superior Minds to Ruin the Comments Section

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genius leaves cringey comment on reddit

15 Pretentious Mind Titans Who Made the Internet Cringe with Their "Superior Intellect"

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