

Don't do drugs. Just laugh at all the crazy things that can happen and the punny and trippy jokes they lead to. From a distance is best.

11 Years Will Do That Too You

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Via MT3

These Are Cool and Awesome!

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Via Heterosexual OP

A Fact of Life

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Via Pretty Loneliness

It Helps You Tolerate the Lines for Space Mountain

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Via Responsible Dad

Well, That Was Unexpected

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Via Christians Against Drugs

This Does Happen

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Welcome to College

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Via Blatzo Creamer

Different Strokes for Different Folks

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Via Toonhole

Mother Knows Best

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Via Lewis10794

Hideo Kojima Likes to Party

drugs Party weed funny after 12 g rated - 8291870208
Via Hideo Kojima
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What's the Worst That Could Happen on a Date?

View Video

She Must Have Been High When She Said That

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Via SWIMsfriend

Could I Have Some "Cruelty Free" Wacky Dust Please?

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Via Io9

The DEA Is Way Cooler Than I Though

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Via The World's Best Ever

Not Even Once

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Via Scoobadoosh

Do You Have Any Cheese Sauce for Dipping?

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Created by jsmith2024

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