

Don't do drugs. Just laugh at all the crazy things that can happen and the punny and trippy jokes they lead to. From a distance is best.

cops drugs FAIL funny police - 107824385

Dude Throws Stash Out Window Directly In Front Of Cops

Maybe the weirdest part of this whole thing is that all of it was loose? Like, even if it was all in a duffel bag there would still be an atom of plausible deniability there. But nah, he just had to make it so damningly obvious. Also you know that crowd is just waiting for the cops to leave so they can sweep up whatever they can.
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Funny Tumblr Thread on the Spice that Han Solo was smuggling | vanyaliful S novasstillintheair Follow prokopetz Follow know Star Wars extended universe treats "spice" like 's this big scary drug, but kind like imagine s basically just space weed, and only reason Han got trouble with Imperials over Jabba's cargo is he evading import tariffs. alexanderrm Follow If just looking at mentions original trilogy, is there evidence 's even drug and not something put on bland food make taste like something

Tumblr Thread: What Exactly Han Solo Was Smuggling

Spice. Not even once.
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Tumblr history thread about soldier who got home with amphetamines | MAA misteryada Those are eyes man who has seen god and laughed

Tumblr Thread: The Finnish Soldier Who Amphetamined His Way Home

We're not sure if there's a moral to this story.
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Woman's cat accidentally eats weed cookie, and the Twitter thread that follows | My horrible gremlin kitten snarfed an entire weed cookie and got violently high other day thread. Carmine Deville @Carmine_Devi 14h Replying Carmine_Deville Firstly wanna preface this by saying she's fine, because this cat is an indestructible Dumpster Demon TM with stomach steel. Her father raccoon and her mother ate and shat nails. She'd fight god half stale bagel and win. 1 Carmine Deville @Carmine_Devi

Twitter Thread: Gremlin Kitten Snarfs Weed Cookie

The goblin was fine in the end!
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Guy goes and sees "Cats" movie on shrooms and ends up having a terrible time | tweet by Rob Sheridan T-minus 30 minutes. Things are getting weird. Not really sure strong these mushrooms are so just guessed. My Mom took see touring production cats kid and all remember is HATED long into film will last before have panic atttack

Guy Sees "Cats" On Shrooms, Has A Bad Time

Ideas don't get much worse than this.
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Meth prevention ad for South Dakota.

South Dakota's New Anti-Meth Campaign Slogan is "Meth. We're On It"

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Tumblr history of Finnish soldier who took too many emergency amphetamines and went on a rampage.

The Very Fast Story of The First Soldier To Take Way Too Many Military Grade Amphetamines

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Snoop Dog on Howard Stern confirming he hires a professional blunt roller.

Snoop Dogg Confirms He Hired A Professional Blunt Roller He Pays 40-50K a Year

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People share design flaws of the human body.

Stupid Design Screw-Ups of The Human Body

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Guy shares Twitter thread about the time he ended up in a room alone with his boss, while he was tripping out.

Guy Tripping On Ketamine Ends Up In Room Alone With Boss

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Guy and his buddy take nuclear revenge on catfish thief.

Guy Takes Nuclear Revenge On Scumbag Catfish Thief

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Dad shows his son an anti-drug campaign from the 90s, and his daughter overhears part of it; and thinks that eggs are a synonym for drugs.

Dad Shows Son Anti-Drug Campaign From The 90s

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crazy drugs ridiculous steve o Video - 99358721

Steve-O Details Every Drug He's Ever Done

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Musician recounts story of a fan who rode a horse to a house party and took a photo.

Musician Tells Story of a Fan Who Rode a Stolen Horse To A Party with Photo Evidence

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cops surprising drugs marijuana interesting Video police - 97828353

Police Discover Massive Pot Farm In Abandoned Bingo Hall

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askreddit, wtf moments, medical professionals,

24 Medical Professionals Share the Most WTF Things Patients Denied

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