

'You can't park here': Woman refuses to move her car from neighbor's driveway, neighbor blocks her in

'You can't park here': Woman refuses to move her car from neighbor's driveway, neighbor blocks her in

Parking spots aren't always assigned, which can be particularly annoying if people begin parking right in front of your house, blocking your path, due to the fact that it's technically legal. Still, it certainly isn't proper etiquette, and it is usually frowned upon. In this case, OP lived on a street where some houses had driveways, yet some didn't, meaning that the house owners had to park on the street. OP had just enough room to park both their cars in front of their house, but when a new n…
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'My neighbor parks middle of our double-driveway': Guy claims authorities 'won't come out' to help with neighbor

'My neighbor parks in the middle of our double-driveway': Guy claims authorities 'won't come out' to solve issue with neighbor

There's no way this guy will let their neighbor get a free fence out of them. But apparently that won't stop her from trying! In a popular post to r/mildlyinfuriating, one person shared their story of neighborhood troubles. The post really resonated, with more than 5,500 people chiming in with helpful suggestions. The issue is that the OP, u/anselld, and their neighbor share the same driveway. OP included a lovely photograph, included below, to show the way the driveway leads up to their two ho…
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'[My] driveway is constantly blocked': Brooklyn resident asks for advice with parking issue

'[My] driveway is constantly blocked': Brooklyn resident infuriated by people parking in their driveway

New York parking is no joke. It's a battle at the best of times. If driving stresses you out, don't ever drive in New York City ! It's super stressful, and it's nearly impossible to ever find parking. Even in Brooklyn, where traffic tends to be lighter, parking problems still arise. One Brooklyn resident shared that they live near the beach (Maybe Coney Island? It's a popular tourist spot, though the OP didn't specify). Random people will constantly park in the OP's driveway. It must be infuria…
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‘You’re evicted, effective immediately': RV resident gets himself evicted after refusing to move his truck from neighbor's driveway

‘You’re evicted, effective immediately': RV resident gets himself evicted after refusing to move his truck from neighbor's driveway

Certain neighbors are well aware that they are being a pain in the neck but nonetheless derive some type of awkward enjoyment from it. Karma can be quite slow at doing her job, but the job gets done in the end, as seen in this particular case. OP told r/pettyrevenge about her neighbor who was hosting a guest on his front porch at 9 am. This neighbor was a long-time tyrant in their neighborhood, making noise, being rude to people, and unleashing his dogs onto other people's dogs. So it's no surp…
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Like Fungus Growing on a Forest Log

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Hideaway Car Elevator WIN

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Via Geeks are Sexy

WIN!: Snowman WIN

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Via Polythene_Man

Tokyo Drift-Style Parking FAIL

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