
dressed up

'To the 249 other guests, she looked normal: Bride tricks attention-seeking guest

'To the 249 other guests, she looked normal: Bride tricks attention-seeking guest

One bride had a fantastic idea for dealing with a wedding guest who loved to steal the spotlight. When it's your wedding day , the couple wants the whole day to revolve around them, their love story, and the guests they've brought along to celebrate. Every wedding is a little different, but generally, the focus is supposed to be on the couple celebrating their vows to each other as they start their married life. In India, weddings are a massive deal. They're often at least three days, and somet…
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'I made sure she didn't get any commission': Casually dressed customer returns to high-end store and humbles employee after being refused service

'I made sure she didn't get any commission': Casually dressed customer returns to high-end store and humbles employee after being refused service

We're always told, 'Don't judge a book by its cover', but that doesn't deter people from judging people based on how they look anyway. This sales rep made the mistake of her life when she refused a casually dressed customer service. OP was walking by a designer store when she noticed a cool backpack that caught her eye. She went inside and asked one of the employees if she could bring it out so that she could take a closer look before purchasing it. The sales rep basically scoffed at her and to…
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Weekend at Bernie's Part Three

passed out too drunk dressed up - 6643485952
Created by Unknown

Someone's a Little Underdressed

dressed up lingerie outside Party - 4875239424
Created by Unknown

The Princess of Drunklandia

dressed up passed out princess tiara - 4791367424

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