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'We always parked at least one of our cars in front of her house': Karen calls cops on neighbor for parking in their driveway, they park in front of her house instead

'This made me really mad': Step-sister plans to wear a wedding dress to sister's wedding, bride makes it a costume party instead

'This made me really mad': Step-sister plans to wear a wedding dress to sister's wedding, bride makes it a costume party instead

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'The company was run by a bunch of disorganized idiots': Employee gets revenge on upper management by going above-and-beyond with petty reports; never get's micromanaged again

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'She was furious': Dude has a meltdown over spicy food and ruins his wife's birthday, wonders if he's wrong

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'Reinstall your game': Gamer gets even with trolling teammate by deleting his game files

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'She told me that I am being a jerk': Wife last-minute cancels catering service for 20 people, insists husband helps

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'Her mother had a fit': Caring father stands up for his daughter when superstitious mother refuses to pay for their child's life changing surgery because it's scheduled on her own birthday

'I did not want them at my birthday dinner': Gentle-parenting sibling gets shut down by sister when she tries to get pity online

'I did not want them at my birthday dinner': Gentle-parenting sibling gets shut down by sister when she tries to get pity online

'I just rage quit my waitressing job': Server finds out her boss was stealing her tips, quits on the spot and seeks legal action

'I just rage quit my waitressing job': Server finds out her boss was stealing her tips, quits on the spot and seeks legal action

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'She then proceeded to confess': Highschool biology class implodes an entire family

‘We get 5 days a year of PTO’: Employee gets forced to resign after requesting a 2 week vacation; audacious boss encourages him to reapply for the same position when he gets back

‘We get 5 days a year of PTO’: Employee gets forced to resign after requesting a 2 week vacation; audacious boss encourages him to reapply for the same position when he gets back

'You are lying': Karen gets vanquished after trying to catch a free ride on the bus; she gets busted, refuses to leave, then gets arrested

'You are lying': Karen gets vanquished after trying to catch a free ride on the bus; she gets busted, refuses to leave, then gets arrested

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'[Am I the jerk] for getting a dog': Family orders adult woman to get rid of her pet dog because her brother is allergic

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'I got my books back': Book-thief friend gets fired, demands compensation

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‘She thinks she is fixing stuff’: Sister-in-law’s unsanctioned sauce seasoning causes major family schism

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'Boss, it's only $100/month': Company offers a skimpy 'bonus' to employees in exchange for 24/7 availability and 12 hour work days