

Confusing images to make people double-take | pack of giraffes inside a safari jeep | Upon further inspection, her paws are not really orange spotted cat sitting on top of an orange cat

Double-Take-Causing Images of Skewed Perspective

Work out those eyes.
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Weird perspective and confusing illusions | amazing jungle valley or weathered fence post top? reflective tissue box placed in a corner in a way that makes it appear transparent

Strange Illusions Caused By Weird Perspective

Your eyes might be wrong.
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Double-take inducing optical illusions | goat sitting in a bag tied to a horse looking as if it's walking on its back legs like a human | shirtless man riding a bike with a man in shorts looking naked

Intriguing Images of Puzzling Double-Takery

Don't trust them eyes.
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Images of confusing perspective that result in optical illusions.

27 Double-Take-Worthy Images of Strange Perspective

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pic of huge cat and man with his hand inside another man's pants

24 Confusing Images That Aren't What They Appear to Be

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