

dog ingest mystery substance at the park, gets sick, turns out it happens all the time, vet fixes him up, but owner warns all dog owners

'[The vet said] it happens a lot, she'll be fine': TikToker Posts Warning to All Dog Parents About Off-Leash Parks After Her Dog Comes Back Testing Positive for Methanphatmines

The dog was treated and totally fine, but it was a terrifying experience—in conclusion, be careful letting your dog off-leash at parks!
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puppy destroys home while alone, dog mom gets scolded in video comment section

‘You shouldn’t adopt a dog if you're working 8+ hour shifts': Dog mom ignites controversy after posting a video of the destruction her puppy caused while she was at work

Raising a puppy is hard work, anybody who has ever done it know that is a guarantee. That's why it is important to make sure you are ready to dedicate yourself to a creature like that. How much should you dedicate is what's up for debate in one woman's comment section. She simply took to her social media as an outlet to let out her anger after finding her home completely destroyed by her puppy. She had left him created while she was at work, but he escaped. Now, the comment section is deep in d…
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