

'Think of what the customer wants? Sure': Boss insists employee offer client half off order

'Think of what the customer wants? Sure': Boss insists employee offer client half off order

This person is often exasperated by their chatty boss . She never lets them get a word in edgewise! There are all kinds of conversation styles in the world. Many of us have groups of friends or family members who talk so fast and jump from topic to topic. If you can't interrupt anyone , you just won't ever get a chance to speak. However, when you bring someone new into that same group of people, they might find it off-putting that people are talking over each other. Some people have no toleranc…
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'She ruined a 4 year old D&D campaign': D&D players "stunned" when one player walks out of final session early

'She ruined a 4 year old D&D campaign': D&D players "stunned" when one player walks out of final session early

This isn't the way one D&D player imagined their campaign ending. It's all thanks to their inconsiderate roommate, who is seemingly focused more on her new BF than her current friend group. Falling in love is wonderful and crazy. Love makes people act in ridiculous ways. You've probably experienced this yourself. Maybe your high school best friend suddenly partnered up and stopped hanging out with you every day. Or maybe your friend starts canceling all of your dinner dates so that she can spen…
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RPG aita gaming dnd dungeon master dungeons & dragons dungeons and dragons dating - 24128261

DnD player gets banned from sessions for trying to slide into DM's sister's DMs: 'I told him not to come to any more sessions'

One of the great things about playing role-playing games—apart from the suspense of disbelief—is taking massive, audacious risks and watching them pay off in real time. This is both thrilling and rewarding, as there's really no real-life risk involved. However, it would be foolish to think that just because there's no real-life risk in the game, you can translate your character's behavior into real life. Basically, just because you're roleplaying as a charismatic womanizing bard doesn't give yo…
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Update: 'We agreed to play this way': Vegan DND player requests overhaul of game, finds DM's post about her

Update: 'We agreed to play this way': Vegan DND player requests overhaul of game, finds DM's post about her

When this DM made a post about a player's interesting request, they had no idea it would capture the attention of the DND community . Reddit isn't nearly as anonymous as people like to think it is. This DND player, u/EmotionalMacaroon169, tried to make a post on a throwaway account. They shared with the DND community that they were in a conundrum. A new player joined their homebrew game, and since she's a vegan, she wanted the game's world to reflect that. The OP was using a throwaway account s…
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school students teaching dnd teachers dnd memes teacher story reddit thread dungeons and dragons - 20932357

'What are you even doing?': Principal gets owned by students for trying to break up teacher's DnD game

There's something to be said about leaving things you don't understand well enough alone. We see this often in workplaces when some new-fangled manager comes along who doesn't understand the technical work of the people reporting to them; rather than seeking to understand (or admitting that they don't understand), they try to apply their existing mental framework to the situation—often with disastrous results. This situation is no different; when working with kids, you're going to find yourself…
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'I really believe it made the movie better': Dude watches a film in a hilariously wrong way

'I really believe it made the movie better': Dude watches a film in a hilariously wrong way

It may be a happy accident that this person watched “ Dungeons and Dragons ” completely wrong. Movie lovers will adore this post of a person who watched a movie incorrectly and was completely enamored with it. When u/Rodlylane watched the flick, they had a tough time navigating the settings. They just wanted to watch with subtitles, but they got a little more than they bargained for. Nevertheless, this OP adored the movie , and began researching it after the credits rolled. That ended up being…
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DMing homebrew, vegan player demands a 'cruelty free world' need advice

'I'm not really sure if that's a reasonable request to make': New vegan DND player demands the world be 'cruelty free,' dividing players

As the dungeon master of a longstanding Dungeons & Dragons campaign, this person isn't sure how to respond after receiving a startling request from a brand new player. Using a throwaway account, u/EmotionalMacaroon169 wrote to the r/DND subreddit asking for some advice. The internet doesn't always provide the nuance needed in these scenarios, but people in the comments seemingly understood both sides of the issue. Is this vegan player wrong for demanding a universe that suits her needs at the e…
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dnd dnd memes dungeons and dragons memes dungeons and dragons - 19120645

20+ of the Best Dungeons and Dragons Memes of the Week (January 25, 2023)

The sense of budding adventure, guiling improvisation, and mischievous creativity that takes can take place over a simple kitchen table during a session of DnD is nothing that you can accurately describe… The hard part is just getting everyone to the table. We live in a complex world where our lives and commitments are in constant flux, making it hard to make consistent plans for our hobbies and personal pleasures. Besides—let's be honest—the last few years haven't been the best for organizing…
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Memes dungeons and dragons memes funny dungeons and dragons dnd - 16158469

A Delectable Dose of Delicious 'Dungeons and Dragons' Memes to Inspire Your Next Campaign

Get planning that next campaign with this hearty dose of 'Dungeons and Dragons' memes.
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Dungeons and Dragons memes

Dungeons & Dragons Memes To Roll The Dice On

Now that's a party.
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Funny Tumblr moments | sarahsquarah: So this lady came this morning and walked up front desk greet us before gasping loudly and saying forgot my dog" She forgot bring her dog with her vet

A Healthy Mish-Mash of Tumblr Gems

Weird premises, snowballing half-forgotten ideas and overly specific pop-culture lore.
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Game of Thrones George RR Martin dnd Video television - 97421825

George R.R. Martin Says D&D Could've Kept Game Of Thrones Going For 13 Seasons

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tweets explaining lord of the rings

Twitter Thread Explains Confusing Parts In Lord Of The Rings Like They're A DnD Campaign

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Why Hasn't This Been Done Yet?

Via JimZub

The Rest of You Dungeon Masters Need to Step Up Your Game

Via silverlight

That's a Pretty Tough Diplomacy Check

dnd texting dungeons and dragons failbook g rated - 8419526144
Via Acid Cow
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