

Man in the midst of a divorce is exiled by his step daughter after supporting her full time: ‘My step daughter believed her... has blocked me on her phone’

‘My lawyer is giving me the green light to cut off my step daughter’: Soon-to-be divorced man is exiled by his stepdaughter after his ex-wife feeds her blatant lies

Even when you try to do right by your chosen family, they might drop you when things get complicated.
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'I had a couple fight over a Settlers of Catan scorecard': 20+ Lawyers who fought over the pettiest items imaginable in divorce court

'I had a couple fight over a Settlers of Catan scorecard': 20+ Lawyers who fought over the pettiest items imaginable in divorce court

These legal fights have gotten unbelievably petty. It turns out that you can hire a lawyer to fight for you to get back almost any belonging from your ex, including tiny things like shower curtains or door knobs. Who knew?! Going through a divorce is never ideal, and having to split up your belongings after years of sharing everything can be a lengthy process. The lawyers who replied to u/ChronicWatcher1456's question have some stories to tell… A surprising amount of them have found themselves…
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15+ memorable wedding debacles: 'Bride's stepmother and mother got into a fight. Stepmother bit the mother'

15+ memorable wedding debacles: 'Bride's stepmother and mother got into a fight. Stepmother bit the mother!'

It's nearly impossible for a wedding to go entirely according to plan, but these ceremonies really went south in the most unexpected ways. As someone who attended more weddings last year than one ever should, I can attest to the fact that no matter how prepared the couple is, there will always be some kind of inevitable drama. It could be a family member going rogue or a force majeure situation. It could be that someone gets sick or the florist messes something up. Anyone who has been involved…
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Husband uncovers wife's affair with his best friend, he and best friend's wife hatch a plan for payback: '[I] discovered 6 months worth of emails between her and my best friend'

Husband uncovers wife's affair with his best friend, he and best friend's wife hatch a plan for payback: '[I] discovered 6 months worth of emails between her and my best friend'

Word of advice: don't document an affair over email. It's bound to get back to you, as this cheater has now come to learn in the worst way. Her husband began suspecting her of cheating and decided to install spyware that would screenshot every few seconds. I guess jealousy can take people to desperate measures. When he went through his wife's emails, he discovered half a year's worth of documentation between her and his best friend proving that they were having an affair. Well, instead of confr…
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15+ folks tell all about their shortest relationships: '[It lasted] about 3 hours. I found out she was married'

15+ folks tell all about their shortest relationships: '[It lasted] about 3 hours. I found out she was married'

Some relationships feel like they came to an end before they even really started. If you ask the folks who shared stories behind their short-lived relationships , you will see a myriad of reasons why some couples cannot last longer than the runtime of Killers of the Flower Moon . First, there are always the classic reasons: different lifestyles, contrasting life plans, and an overall lack of chemistry. But then, there are the surprising revelations that people probably should have disclosed bef…
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Husband buys $160k worth of baseball cards behind his wife's back and doesn't think he's done anything wrong: 'He claims I'm trying to get even with him'

When you're legally and financially tied to another person to the point where everything would be evenly split should the relationship end, you really have no business making excessively extravagant purchases without the both of you being on the same page. The acceptability of these slides further when that thing has no bearing on, or positive effect on, advancing your lives or livelihood together. Look I'm not going to be one of those people who starts talking about how collecting “pictures pr…
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'[They] tried to get sole custody of both of their children...who are in their 20s': 15+ Wild divorce cases

'[They] tried to get sole custody of both of their children...who are in their 20s': 15+ Wild divorce cases

These divorce lawyers and divorcees have seen tough times. In divorce law, you see all kinds of marriage drama, as numerous legal professionals told u/DarkFander in response to their question. This person wanted lawyers and divorced people to share their “evil, funny, dumb” ways that a spouse tried to get back at the other . Divorce law is known for being an immensely petty kind of business. Two people go from saying their vows and promising to love each other forever, to fighting over their ho…
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20 wedding mishaps that led to divorce: 'The bride [...] showed up in a bright pink track suit'

20 wedding mishaps that led to divorce: 'The bride [...] showed up in a bright pink track suit'

Of course, we want our friends' weddings to be joyful and stress-free, but the reality of the matter is there's always something unexpected. Most of the time, it's minor and something everyone can laugh at in the moment or a few weeks down the road. However, every so often, some revelatory piece of information is uncovered that becomes a point of no return for the couple. Luckily, I have yet to witness this kind of madness occur at a friend's wedding. However, last year, I had the great fortune…
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‘His mother cheated [and] I was quickly replaced’: Teen son makes it clear that he prefers his step-dad over his bio-dad, so bio-dad makes it clear he prefers his new wife over his son

‘His mother cheated [and] I was quickly replaced’: Teen son makes it clear that he prefers his step-dad over his bio-dad, so bio-dad makes it clear he prefers his new wife over his son

“I’m really tired of the idea that parents are somehow obligated to just take endless meanness, neglect, and general nastiness from their teenage/adult children…”
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divorced relationship advice marriage malicious compliance ex girlfriend revenge malicious-compliance-reddit relationship-drama girlfriends relationships girlfriend ex wife divorce marriage issues online dating dating - 25413893

'Threaten to sue me? Go for it!': Divorce goes bad when ex-wife threatens to sue after squandering her finances

It's usually best to take responsibility for your own decisions and actions. Unfortunately, when you have a propensity for making bad ones, you're also more likely to not want to take responsibility for them, instead casting them off on the other people who had the misfortune of being in your immediate proverbial vicinity. Being eternally financially bound to one of these liabilities through other accountabilities is not a great situation to be in. But, as with anything in life, the best you ca…
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25 tell-tale signs a couple is on the verge of breaking up: 'Constantly plastering their relationship all over social media'

25 tell-tale signs that a couple is on the verge of breaking up: 'Constantly plastering their relationship all over social media'

When you know, you know . This is, of course, what everyone says when they find the partner with whom they may want to share the rest of their lives. However, this sentiment very much applies to couples who are on the verge of falling apart. As a third party, you can often see the signs that two people are not meant to be. Sure, there are the obvious signs: fighting, infidelity, etc, but when it comes to the subtle red flags, that's when side remarks, body language, and social media posting bec…
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20 petty ways people got back at their exes: 'Put non-vegan meat in her sandwich'

20 petty ways people got back at their exes: 'Put non-vegan meat in her sandwich'

Some breakups do not call for maturity. Some exes are so deserving of payback that it would be a grave injustice if you chose not to do something. Obviously, the sensible thing to do following a breakup is to take the high road and to trust that the best revenge is success and happiness. That being said, we cannot expect the anonymous folks from this Reddit thread to do the sensible thing in these situations. We can only expect drama and unnecessary overreactions because, let's be real here, th…
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‘They divorced over a $4 book’: People Share Stories About Petty Divorces

‘They divorced over a $4 book’: People Share Stories About Petty Divorces

People get divorced for all kinds of reasons. They fall out of love, they can't stand their in-laws, they have dissimilar parenting styles, one hates blueberries and the other likes them. Oh wait, that last one was… quite petty. What are the most entertaining but petty reasons people get a divorce? Well, you'll find out once you scroll down and read this oh-so-bitter (but funny) thread about married people who were done with their spouses. For the weirdest reasons. I know people who got divorce…
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Mother gets back at childless ex-husband who pressured her to have kids early: 'I want to send him a "Happy Birthday" message from me & my son'

Mother gets back at childless ex-husband who pressured her to have kids early: 'I want to send him a "Happy Birthday" message from me & my son'

This might have been a situation where the higher road was worth taking. As tempting as it is to twist the knife and be your fullest, pettiest self, there is a limit to how far one should go. It's easy to roll your eyes at the concept, but happiness is the best form of revenge at the end of the day. This mother of a now toddler realized that her ex-husband's 30th birthday was approaching. They hadn't seen each other in two years since their divorce was officially finalized. Their marriage fell…
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'I scanned... every receipt I could find': Scorned divorcee sends three years worth of finance documents to lawyer's office by fax machine

'I scanned... every receipt I could find': Scorned divorcee sends three years worth of finance documents to lawyer's office by fax machine

This lawyer picked the wrong dude to pick on. One person shared an excellent tale of malicious compliance that they got on their divorce lawyer. You'd think as a divorce lawyer, you'd have a bit of decorum. People are going through some of the most difficult parts of a relationship, and now they're also having to get a lawyer involved as they split up everything they own. This person, u/FederalAnt9, found themself in a “heated divorce/custody battle,” and their ex's lawyer was prepared to go af…
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25+ signs that couples are going to break up: 'Couples who post about how much they love each other on social media -[always] break up'

25+ signs that couples are going to break up: 'Couples who post about how much they love each other on social media [always] break up'

It's never easy to spot red flags when you're actually looking for them. Often, we see them in hindsight or when it's far too late. What gets in the way of catching these obvious signs? Tunnel vision, social pressures to be in a serious relationship, or perhaps the other person is legitimately a convincing pathological liar. Here's the thing to remember if you think this applies to you or a close friend: ignorance is actually not bliss. The illusion of happiness and stability is still just an i…
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