

‘They held up an entire flight’: Entitled family causes massive line at airport as they demand to check in 16 bags, leading to a dispute when the flight gets delayed

‘They held up an entire flight’: Entitled family causes massive line at airport as they demand to check in 16 bags, leading to a dispute when the flight gets delayed

As much as we all look forward to getting on a plane and going on vacation, no one likes the first part of the journey to their destination—the airport lines. Not one person enjoys arriving at the airport two hours (at least) before their flight and moving from one line to another until they actually board their flight. It is even more annoying when there is some holdup and you end up standing in one line forever, which is what happened to the passenger in this story. They had to wait for aroun…
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'I'm not paying your bills': Neighbor demands resident share their wifi password for free, they refuse, resulting in her publicly accusing resident of ‘hoarding resources’

'I'm not paying your bills': Neighbor demands resident share their wifi password for free, they refuse, resulting in her publicly accusing resident of ‘hoarding resources’

Most people would not be helping out their neighbors if they came to ask for something. We've all found ourselves in need of something that we didn't have and had no way of getting and ended up having to knock on someone's door and ask for their help. So whether it's asking for a glass of milk, an egg, or even a ladder, we've all landed a helping hand at some point or another. However, some requests are going a bit too far, which might lead us to say ‘no’ to people when they come knocking at ou…
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'[I'm] getting revenge on my old business partner': Scorned business holder discovers $40,000 secret

This person embarked on a three-year-long legal battle with their former business partner. That's a major turnaround: from running a company with someone to suing them in just a few short years! U/Due_Engineering_108 had a fantastic revenge story to share with everyone. It's clear that their resentment against their former business partner had been growing for some time, thanks to numerous broken promises and lies. Despite their 15-year-long business relationship, the two had differing visions…
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Entitled woman ignites dramatic neighborly showdown by recklessly parking in neighbor’s reserved parking space

Entitled woman ignites dramatic neighborly showdown by recklessly parking in neighbor’s reserved parking space

Maintaining a positive façade is essential for a pleasant, synergistic, and healthy connection with your neighbors. The story below is an account of a frustrated neighbor. The original poster (OP) shares a strange experience he had with his neighbor on Reddit. To set the scene, OP resides in a condominium with four units. Two sizable garage doors are available. There is space for two cars in each bay. The apartment seems perfect at first because of its well-defined boundaries and regulations, w…
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Man entangled in neighbor’s delivery dispute and goes to extreme lengths to clear his name, sparking neighborhood showdown

Man entangled in neighbor’s delivery dispute and goes to extreme lengths to clear his name, sparking neighborhood showdown

In this world, there are two types of people. The former is a rule-abiding individual who tries to stay out of trouble, while the latter is a troublemaker who is constantly seeking out the next adventure. The story below is an account of a frustrated neighbor. The original poster (OP) has lived in the same neighborhood for a considerable amount of time. Everything was going great at first, but when the mail worker knocked on the door, things quickly spiraled out of hand. Before OP knew it, he w…
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Gen Zer demands cousin translate a poem to secure date, only for cousin to deliberately mistranslate and sabotage his chances

Gen Zer demands cousin translate a poem to secure date, only for cousin to deliberately mistranslate and sabotage his chances

The English language appears to have extended over the globe in our modern era. Because of globalization and America's immense cultural influence, it's nearly a given that you know a few terms in English, no matter where you are in the world. The story below is an account of a petty cousin. Since he was a little boy, the original poster (OP) has spoken English fluently. Therefore, OP furiously rejected his cousin's sudden request to teach him English so he might woo a girl by reading her a poem…
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'I will go a great distance for a good laugh': Man retaliates against cellphone carrier over an additional fee for deactivation, resulting in charge cancellation and official apology

'I will go a great distance for a good laugh': Man retaliates against cellphone carrier over an additional fee for deactivation, resulting in charge cancellation and official apology

Experiencing seemingly inconsequential and fleeting moments of happiness gives us a sense of meaning and significance in life. The story below is an account of a clever customer. The original poster (OP) explains how he was able to settle his dispute with his mobile phone carrier. More than 20 years ago, the concerned party decided to change mobile carriers. To settle his debt with the company, OP contacted the sales agent and paid the remaining invoices. To his dismay, though, the very next mo…
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'I've learned my lesson…': Employee finishes assigned work early, boss finds out and sends employee to a different state to complete other's tasks, leading to a dispute when they return

'I've learned my lesson…': Employee finishes assigned work early, boss finds out and sends employee to a different state to complete other's tasks, leading to a dispute when they return

Every employee faces the choice of whether or not they should power through their assigned work and finish early, risking their manager finding out and giving them even more work, or simply take their time with the work they have been given, that way making sure there are no addition tasks handed to them. The employee in this Reddit story chose the first option, and they are now regretting it, as they learn that hard work is only rewarded with more work. OP (original poster), has been given mon…
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Girl finds herself living with 4 other people in 2-bedroom apartment after being lied to by roommate, resulting in roommate moving out when she takes it too far: 'We're packed like sardines'

Girl finds herself living with 4 other people in 2-bedroom apartment after being lied to by roommate, resulting in roommate moving out when she takes it too far: 'We're packed like sardines'

When someone lives away from their parents, the possibility of seeing them split into two options - Either they travel to see their parents or their parents travel to see them. Traveling to your parents is usually not a problem. You can stay in your childhood bedroom and feel comfortable in the space in which you grew up. But when your parents come to visit you, it can get quite… tricky, to say the least. The biggest problem of all, is the sleeping situation – Where will your parents stay? Will…
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‘Get your story straight’: Man backs into stranger's car while texting and driving, claims to the insurance company that he wasn't even in the car, leading to a pursuit of evidence

‘Get your story straight’: Man backs into stranger's car while texting and driving, claims to the insurance company that he wasn't even in the car, leading to a pursuit of evidence

We might not like to acknowledge this, but as grownups, we sometimes have to own up to our own mistakes. Being an adult means that we can't just ignore our mistakes, hoping that they will go away on their own, and we definitely cannot lie and try to drop them on other people. Unfortunately, a lot of adults try to back out of their mistakes when it comes to everything that happens on the road – breaking the rules, road rage, and even hitting other cars, all of these make the road feel like a gia…
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Homeowner gets even with HOA who demanded he remove his boat from driveway: 'I removed it, just like you asked'

Homeowner gets even with HOA who demanded he remove his boat from driveway: 'I removed it, just like you asked'

Your mailbox is a disgrace, and needs a fresh coat of paint, they said. Your flowerbeds are looking a little dull, get a gardener, they said. HOA likes to say a lot of things, and if you don't listen, well, you get fined. That's just how it is, and there isn't much you can do about it. The HOA members are always grumpy, miserable-looking people who have their noses high in the air and think that they're better than everyone else. They don't have much to be proud of in their life, so their lawn…
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‘Get out of my house’: Home seller discovers buyer moved into their house before closing date, leading to legal dispute when seller demands she leaves

‘Get out of my house’: Home seller discovers buyer moved into their house before closing date, leading to legal dispute when seller demands she leaves

The general conception of a 'successful life' consists of a few things a person should achieve in their life, with the main ones unsurprisingly being – starting a family, having a successful career, and owning a home. While we can argue about all three of these concepts and their actual value to someone's life, let's take a moment to focus on the idea of owning a home. Surely we can all understand the benefits of owning your own house – you don't have anyone to answer to, you can do whatever yo…
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‘No takesies backsies’: College roommate installs a stripper pole in the living room, throws a tantrum when other roomies opt for a traditional furniture setup instead

‘No takesies backsies’: College roommate installs a stripper pole in the living room, refuses to move it for normal furniture

Dealing with a roommate can sometimes be the most difficult part of navigating college life. On top of that, you're constantly battling internal struggles like taking the right classes for your major, eating enough dinner before hitting the bars, and the tried and true favorite– grappling with the daily pressures of putting a stripper pole in your living room.
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'[Your son] is a lazy, dirty, bum': Freeloading husband and Karenish MIL get called out by hardworking wife, both get offended by the cold, hard truth

'[Your son] is a lazy, dirty, bum': Freeloading husband and Karenish MIL get called out by hardworking wife, both get offended by the cold, hard truth

If you are one of the unlucky folks who accidentally married a slob, you're probably aware of the daily struggle of trying to keep your house in order. It's a full time job to simply keep up after yourself, let alone another person. So when dirty dishes, stinky laundry, and insurmountable mess starts to grow, it can be tough to dig yourself out of it. When you've reached that point of home mayhem, the last thing you need is your mother-in-law coming over and criticizing the house
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