
13 reddit text images | thumbnail grey background text "Living with roommates, oh the horror. We've been there a time or two, or three. It doesn't matter how good of friends you are, how much you like each other, or how much you hate each other, there will always be some trivial issues that instigate arguments and unpleasantry. "

Brother Constantly Invites Friends Over Without Warning Roommate, He Waits Naked Every Time

12 reddit text images dog custody battle | thumbnail blue background dog bottom right corner text "Dog custody in break up [Help] My live in boyfriend and I are breaking up, and moving out of our shared apartment. Our dog adores both of us, and we each adore our dog. Our dog likes routine and does not like moving between different locations."

Couple Seeks Advice On Dog Custody Debacle After Recent Break Up: Reddit Thread

12 reddit text images of spider poster discussion | thumbnail left photo of fake spiders in hand white background with more small fake black spiders, thumbnail right image of spider poster colorful, text "AITA for putting up pictures of spiders in my room to keep my arachnophobic cousins out?"

Girl Puts Spider Posters Up To Keep Arachnophobic Cousins Out of Her Room: Reddit Supports Her

12 reddit text images bf pet fish debacle | thumbnail blue background "(26F) have outright banned him doing this for the simple fact i've seen this obsession before from him, it's what led to our pet mini lop rabbit Tootsie, and he doesn't clean out her hutch or litter tray at all and barely plays with her, she was his pet but has honestly ended up becoming mine as I couldn't stand to see her neglected, I know he'll end up doing the same with a fish tank and they'll not be cleaned out "

Woman Puts Her Foot Down When Irresponsible Boyfriend Requests Pet Fish And Aquarium

13 reddit text images of boyfriend giving girlfriend ultimatum over cat | thumbnail blue background "fter she got the cat she kept asking me what's wrong. I told her it was so inconsiderate of her to get the cat because I am allergic and what if we decide to move in together one day? I said I don't see this working out if she plans to keep the cat. She told me I'm overreacting and we just started dating so I shouldn't try to "control" her "

Entitled Dude Gives Girlfriend Of Two Months Cat UItimatum: It's Him Or The Cat

thumbnail grey background "Posted by u/oldman712 15 hours ago e & 2 13 e20 3 13 e Sorry, I deleted all the files you told me to delete. oC M, Six months later, I get a series of desperate phone calls. New software grad has been unable to build any new prototypes. Old customers are calling to get old prototypes updated, and new software grad has no idea how to do that."

Programmer Ordered To Delete All Company Info After Being Laid Off, Boss Comes Back Begging For Files

12 reddit text images surrounding family argument |  thumbnail "r/Amlthe hole u/dearlyohwow• 20h 20 2 16 16 AITA for asking my sister and BIL to move out after three years of supporting them after family tragedy? Not the A-hole About 3 years ago, my sister and her husband lost their three young children in a really bad car accident. My sister barely survived but pulled through. They had two daughters who were 8 and 6 and a 3 year old son. I won't go into specifics surrounding the accident "

Woman Supports Sister And BIL For Three Years Post Family Tragedy, Outrage Ensues As They Are Asked To Leave

12 reddit text images aita for turning away guests after they arrive with dogs | thumbnail blue background with text "AITA for turning away guests who flew in for Christmas because they didn’t tell me they’d be bringing a dog? I told him I didn’t think “whole family” implied he was flying the pets down with him and I was sorry but I couldn’t have them in the house."

Man Invites Friend's Family For Holidays, Turns Them Away When They Arrive With Two Dogs

16 reddit text images | thumbnail light blue background "r/AskReddit u/AristonD • 118d 12 1 9 8 @7 10 1 If all animals were horse sized, which would be the most majestic to ride into battle? 4 29.2k 12.2k 1, Share Award, friskyfloaty · 118d 3 Awards Id say a skunk. Horse sized skunk. Armed and ready. Me riding into battle with a necklace of little tree air fresheners. Plus when they are threatened and stomp on the ground and stuff? Imagine that but in huge stinky scary size"

If All Animals Were Horse Sized, Which Would Be Best For Riding Into Battle (Ask Reddit)

Harry Potter jk rowling tumblr discussion controversy - 16101893

Tumblr Post About the Problems With Harry Potter Evokes Discussion Regarding Issues With the Series

12 text based reddit images surrounding family argument over dogs and christmas | thumbnail blue background "AITA for not locking my dogs outside? Not the A-hole We have two dogs, both small and no higher than your knees. We love Christmas in my family (I prefer Halloween, myself, but still love Christmas) and I got them both Christmas jumpers. We always get them a little bag of treats and toys, too. I only mention this to show how loved they are. My nephew is nearly 9 and afraid of dogs."

Sister Invites Herself Over For Christmas, Requests That Host's Dogs Be Left Outside

12 reddit text images mom aita for not wanting to apologize to daughter over injury | thumbnail "AITA for not being sorry that I didn't believe my daughter's knee was hurting? She said she would help me, and I told her we could take her to the emergency room if her knee still hurt by the time the yard work was done. We worked the whole weekend, and she complained a lot, but I was almost certain that she would magically be better by the end of the weekend. This morning though, she said"

Manipulative Mom Thinks Daughter Is Lying About Injury, Forces Her To Do Yardwork, ER Visit 3 Days Later Confirms Sprain

15 reddit text images AITA brother gives away hamster | thumbnail "AITA for giving away my brother's pet hamster, YTDirtyCrossYT • 63d Partassipant [4] NTA The hamster shouldn't be seen by your brother+parents as an "entertainment thing" (if that makes sense lol). It is a living sentient animal. So, it's better to give him away to someone who cares about the little fluffy guy. Reply 1 116"

Pet Hamster Dumped On Big Bro After Younger Bro Loses Interest, Big Bro Rehomes Pet, Family Gets Pissed

11 reddit text based images discussion aita jerk bf | thumbnail  blue background "aita for putting all my snacks in the fridge in a lockable box, At first I talked to him nicely about this telling him next time could he leave some and not eat everything, but when he was dismissive it led to an argument where things got a bit heated on both sides i'm ashamed to admit and he finally told me it was only snacks and he'd eat whatever he pleased in the fridge"

Jerk BF Eats All Of GF's Snacks, She Buys Lockable Box To Secure Food, BF Unreasonably Dismissive

27 images of random things cut in half | thumbnail left three pints of ben and jerry's cut in half, thumbnail right range rover vehicle cut in half

Peculiar Images Of Random Things Cut In Half

13 reddit text images discussion woman annoyed with men posting fake dog pics in dating profiles | thumbnail " wish men would stop putting fake dog pictures in their dating profile I'm on Hinge, and I think this is my third in a row click on a guy who has multiple pictures of himself with a dog, who actually doesn't own that dog.THEN, I get to talking, and say what's your dogs name? And they admit that they don't have a dog,"

Doggo Loving Woman Is Fed Up With Men Putting Fake Dog Pictures In Their Dating Profiles