

air travel ask reddit funny stories disaster pilot story airplanes airplane flying - 23107077

'Pilot: "I'm not flying this"': Airline industry workers share the wildest things they've ever seen

The ordeal of air travel opens the doorway for some insane behaviors. You have groups of complete strangers who are collectively sleep-deprived, stressed, and overstimulated, crammed into far-too-small spaces for far too long. Air travelers usually have a lot riding on the success of their trip, too, and literally can't afford for things to go sideways, with holidaygoers having spent their literal life savings and cashed in all of their PTO in order to make this trip work—usually also facing un…
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wedding wedding-disaster disaster nitpicking aunt family bride wife groom husband indian indian-wedding weddings marriage married wedding-planning

'I eventually snapped': Nitpicking aunt relentlessly terrorizes the bride-to-be; heroic bride stands up for herself and threatens to uninvite her

Anytime a wedding includes a blending of cultures, there are bound to be feathers that get rustled the wrong way. We all would hope that our family members could be cool enough to just back off and not over-step in the wedding planning, but we all know how family matters go– someone's going to take things too far.
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'We all owe our lives to Sarah Michelle Gellar': Man refuses to miss the finale of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' during a tornado, ends up saving his entire family from being buried alive

'We all owe our lives to Sarah Michelle Gellar': Man refuses to miss the finale of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' during a tornado, ends up saving his entire family from being buried alive

Everyone has that one TV show that is their kryptonite and takes the front seat over all other life responsibilities. You couldn't survive without it! There's no way that you'd miss a single second of that show, you fangirl over all the extras, and you'd sooner pass away than miss the season finale– literally. Well, back in 2003, when missing the live season finale meant that you might just never see it, show fandom required some serious commitment. It's not like you could just tune into your f…
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failure, misfortune and chaos

Misfortune Monday: Turmoil is the Name of the Game

Here comes chaos.
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moments of chaos and misfortune

Misfortune Monday: Life Is Just Like This

Thanks, life.
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cats, dogs and birds who destroyed people's things

Animals Who Shamelessly Wrecked Stuff

What are you? Some kind of animal?
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disasters, mistakes and failures | trampoline stuck on a road sign | car parked under a leaky cover frozen with water

Misfortune Monday: Life Is Uncertain

Things go wrong a lot.
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Vehicles that were too tall and hit things. | trucks containers crushed falling apart after trying to pass under low passageways

Unfortunate Vehicles that Couldn't Make the Clearance

What was that sound?
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moments of misfortune and chaos | car door trunk slice through with rope | fluffy dog covered in popcorn cereal stuck to its face

Misfortune Monday: Things Just Keep Happening

It won't stop.
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Chaotic moments of failure, messes, mistakes and misfortune | car that got painted white while parking. santa claus getting arrested by a police officer.

Unfortunate Moments of Chaos and Failure

There's misfortune around every corner.
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Fails, mistakes and messes | vehicle almost entirely sunk in mud with just the cabin visible, a completely shattered glass table in a meeting room surrounded by chairs

Unlucky Times Misfortune Gave People Trouble

Things will break, explode and fail.
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Mistakes, fails, and unlucky moments that suck.

Unfortunate Times Everyday Life was Derailed by Chaos

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Fails, messes, mistakes and unlucky moments.

Unfortunate Moments That Put A Cramp In People's Style

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Fails, unfortunate and wtf moments that are bad.

Unfortunate Moments That Threw Folks for A Loop

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Video of forklifts unloading a train, failing and tipping the car over.

Forklift Unloading Fail Results In Derailed Train

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Cooking fails

Cooking Fails That Took The Cake and Ruined It

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