

nurses workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion director job nurse work nursing workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 25110277

New boss experiences consequences when multiple members of their team quit simultaneously: 'I'm giving my notice the next day I work'

There's no surer sign that you might need to reassess your leadership "style" than having multiple people opt out, in quick succession, of being under that leadership. After all, as the old adage famously goes, “People don't quit jobs; they quit bosses.” There's no telling the level of miserable or monotonous job conditions some people will put up with just as long as they enjoy working with the people in their immediate team—especially their managers. Good managers are hard to come by, so when…
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‘They wouldn’t budge': Chess players kicked out of city hall for bringing chess boards despite renting out venue for chess club

‘They wouldn’t budge': Chess players kicked out of city hall for bringing chess boards despite renting out venue for chess club

City halls are notorious for being stuck up, but this one really takes the cake. This chess club had eagerly prepared for their opening night, rented a venue (their city hall), and arrived with everything they needed to play chess, which would be chess boards and pieces. Somehow the fact they brought their own things became a huge deal. Their excitement turned into dismay when they were unexpectedly approached by a dude working for city hall. He peeked in, noticed their things, and asked where…
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workplace discussion worker workplace-stories employee fired work stories director manager work coworkers workplace funny - 25331717

Managers reveal the worst thing an employee has done to get fired: 'He walked in 25 minutes late holding a Starbucks cup and said “I couldn’t help it, the drive thru took forever”'

No one wants to get fired. A lot of times, getting fired is entirely out of our control. Lots of employees have found themselves in this situation recently, with companies doing mass layoffs and inflation continuing to rise. In this one employee's case, their boss changed their workweek from 40 hours to 42.5 hours, causing rage amongst the workforce, while many outside perspectives speculated that this was the employer's way of weeding out employees without having to do mass layoffs. Whatever t…
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'If I'm not getting paid, I'm not doing it': Boss forces employee into a managerial role without a promotion, employee's refusal to participate leads the shop to shut down

'If I'm not getting paid, I'm not doing it': Boss forces employee into a managerial role without a promotion, employee's refusal to participate leads the shop to shut down

Ah, promotions. Such a bitter subject. So many employees have been led on by their managers to believe they would be getting one. Only to be faced with a loud, 'No' when the annual review arrived. What can I say? Managers be managing, I guess. This boss was like every other micromanager out there, trying to get their employee to do a manager's job, without the title of 'manager'. He tried forcing his employee into a managerial role, which the employee did not accept. And why would they? Why do…
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'They lost': Engineering firm removes employee from project to punish them, replacing them with inexperienced project manager who runs project into the ground

'They lost': Engineering firm removes employee from project to punish them, replacing them with inexperienced project manager who runs project into the ground

To cut a long story short, this employee's VP removed them from a project in order to punish them, and what ended up happening was that as a result, the firm lost big time. But wait, it gets better. The employee actually quit, began working for the firm's competitor, and salvaged the project once the firm crumbled! Yeah, that's a lot of information to take in, so let's start at the beginning. The employee in question was working as a junior project manager for an engineering firm. They were goo…
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work story working workplace boss employee quit overworked hardworking retribution happy-ending quitting-on-site quitting-on-the-spot stories epic awesome empowering

'I couldn't let her talk to me like that': Overworked employee calls their boss's bluff, quitting 10 seconds after being called 'replaceable'

After an 80-hour work week with nothing to show for it but bags under your eyes and a dusty, unchanged salary check, overworked employees can start to unravel, like the worker in our next story.
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pro revenge boss director workplace-story manager revenge it-director it petty revenge IT guy workplace Horrible Bosses - 21986565

'Now for the revenge': IT Head gets back at boss and backstabbing coworker who conspired against him

When it comes to backstabbing and the pursuit of revenge—no one is walking away with their hands clean. Such endeavors require one to get intimate with underhanded affairs—hands and knees in the dirt, tossing and tumbling together like a litter of five-week-old puppies. Of course, this is all metaphorical—in a sense… You won't actually find the battles of office politics being fought with grown adults tousling on the ground, vying for the upper hand as ties are tugged, and high-heels are repurp…
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reddit karma nepotism nepotistic director company boss manager sales salesman bid commission lowball experience office client customer building

'Give us a lower quote, or else': Karma comes for a nepotistic boss when he tries to pocket $10k in commission by promising his client a lowball offer; ends up losing $60k+ because of inexperience

When working on massive, expensive building projects, oftentimes, the office salesmen get a little too big for their britches because of the promise of a sweet commission check. In the heat of the moment, a greedy salesman might even throw out quotes and numbers that are vastly off-base in a desperate attempt to secure a client and pocket a little bonus check for themselves. However, things can go horribly wrong when that flippant boardroom negotiation actually hits the streets.
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'[She] ends up deleting our only copy': Micromanager reassigned after randomly wiping IT department's tech devices

'[She] ends up deleting our only copy': Micromanager reassigned after randomly wiping IT department's tech devices

Oh to be a fly on the wall when this IT director had to face her bosses… This excellent story of malicious compliance was shared by u/Barcs2k12. They write that when they were working in the IT department of a state agency, they encountered a Karen boss who was so sure she was smarter than the IT team . So much smarter that she planned and coordinated a catastrophe on her own team! The best bosses are the kind who can see your talents and encourage you as you grow. They can become your mentor i…
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'You can't order me around anymore': Tenant gets even with property manager after getting elected as board member for housing organization, property manager quits

'You can't order me around anymore': Tenant gets even with property manager after getting elected as board member for housing organization, property manager quits

Low-income apartment complexes often have housing organizations that help tenants rent homes cheaper than they would be able to in an open market. This particular housing organization owned 500 units in over 20 complexes in OP's area, and unfortunately, OP's property manager was the last person you'd wish to be responsible for anything. For some reason unbeknownst to OP, this property manager, who, for the sake of this article, we'll call Karen, had it out for OP. Karen made OP's life miserable…
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boss workplace-stories in-the-workplace director toxic-workplace workplace-story manager work i quit quit managers quitting - 20687109

'I'm watching my future former director going nuts': Boss has dawning realization at employee's imminent departure

It's amazing how ego-fueled denial can make an employer wait until the last moments of your notice period before attempting to reassign your tasks and replace you. It's probably not surprising, though, given that this exact attitude and lack of care are probably what made you want to leave your job in the first place. Still, this happens time and time again—as evidenced by the sheer number of stories posted about it online. You might even have some stories and experiences of your own of dealing…
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AITA for telling my producer/boss the way he's filming a commercial/Indy film I'm working on is not going to appeal to young people?

'[The director] told me to get off his set and don’t come back': Filmshoot PA tries to interfere on film set

A film production assistant has told an absolutely hilarious story about their first days on the job — and they really think they can direct this short film better than the actual director. Having worked as a film production PA as an intern numerous times, let me tell you, that job is not for the faint of heart. It's incredibly unglamorous and looks nothing like how Hollywood movies depict the task. You work very long hours — be on set at 4AM, leave at 10PM. You might not get anywhere near the…
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