
diet diet-app app petty revenge petty-revenge payback deserved funny silly lol prank

'Like an entire turkey or a whole cheesecake': Guy sandbags a stranger's diet tracking app after they rudely thwart a friendly reminder to correct their login info

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'She's not saving the planet like [me]': Holier-than-thou +1 girlfriend demands special treatment because she's 'vegan', turns hypocritical when a long-standing friend in the group shares a differing dietary restriction

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Misguided guy claims to have eaten 400 Tic-Tacs a day and gained 40 lbs: '[I] didn't realize that Tic-Tacs weren't actually 0 calories'

'Pay up': Client refuses to pay catering service, leaving company with $2000 expenses, client demands they cater another event

'Pay up': Client refuses to pay catering service, leaving company with $2000 expenses, client demands they cater another event

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‘She said I was corrupting our son’: Father buys his son fast food so that the boy can fit in with his friends; vegan wife flips out

‘I made sure it fit their diet… on the outside': Vegetarian roommates eat flatmate's food, flatmate plants meat in pizza crust

‘I made sure it fit their diet… on the outside': Vegetarian roommates eat flatmate's food, flatmate plants meat in pizza crust

vegan son punishment

Son Punished by Going Vegan for a Month, Family Overreacts

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Husband Insists Wife Loses Weight, Lets His Friend Gives Unsolicited Advice, Tells Her She's the Jerk

Stephanie Matto sold fart jars, then almost had a heart attack, now she sells fart jar NFTs.

TikTok Influencer Steph Matto Who Made $200k Selling Her Farts In a Jar Is Hospitalized Due to Her Fart-Inducing Diet

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Selfish Girlfriend Makes Vegetarian Boyfriend Eat Meat To Avoid Slight Inconvenience

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Tumblr Thread: The Debate Over "Is Honey Truly Vegan" Rages On

picky eater orders burger to hibachi restaurant

Picky Eater Orders Fast Food To Hibachi Restaurant, Internet Weighs In

vegan fiancé won't eat vegan food, the internet weighs in on it

Vegan Fiancé Blames Cook For Not Knowing Her Secret Dietary Restrictions

nephews fed vegan food for a week, mom has a meltdown

Nephews Fed Vegan Food, Mom Has Meltdown, Calls It Abuse

Coworker keeps trying to trick vegan coworker, cries when she won't eat her "vegan" cake

Vegan Employee Refuses To Eat Suspicious Cake, Coworker Cries

Vegan coworker asks burger-eating coworker to eat outside

Vegan Employee Suggests Coworker Eat Burger Outside

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