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'I helped end his career': Developer ends her old incompetent boss's whole career after he wrongly fired her

Being a ruthless cutthroat certainly has its advantages. Being unencumbered by the usual social requirements like empathy, mutualism, and reciprocation really frees you up to make some agile and dastardly moves. Still, the only friends you'll make will be “yes men” and sycophants, who are really only there to ride your coattails and feed off your scorched-earth rampage to the top, hanging around begging for scraps like a dog at the dinner table. When the house of cards eventually topples, these…
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Reddit thread | "I automated my job over a year ago and haven't told anyone." | Developer discovers a way that they can work for 10 minutes a day from home

'I automated my job': Developer discovers a way that they can work for 10 minutes a day from home

There has been a sharp increase in the recent trend of posts of employees claiming to have automated their jobs as soon as they were asked to work from home or remote full-time. This poster claims to have set up a remote workstation for their tech job. And “in about a week” they were able to “write, debug, and perfect a simple script that performed [their] entire job.” It all just goes back to that old saying, often attributed to Billionaire Bill Gates, “I will always choose a lazy person to do…
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