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'I woke up in combat mode': Teenager gets zonked on anesthesia after getting their wisdom teeth removed, hilarity ensues

No matter which way you slice it, going to the dentist is tedious and a little traumatizing– however, for u/1ithe, a teenaged girl with the ‘metabolism of a hummingbird', her routine wisdom teeth removal surgery turned into an episode of Rick and Morty immediately after she was knocked out, largely because she was never fully unconscious.
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Viral doctor exposes an unethical dentist and people on the internet share their own horror stories of unethical doctors

"Patients should always trust their gut instincts': Doctor calls out an unethical scamming dentist, internet explodes with similar situations

“I believed my new dentist and 2 years later I have five crowns, two root canals—I have more pain NOW than before.”
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