

work workplace worker coworker employee employees boss manager managers supervisor pto vacation denied reddit

Employee's PTO Revoked After a Jealous Boss Claims He's 'Never Taken [a Vacation] That Long, Why Should You?'

To avoid giving employees actual real benefits, a lot of big companies have adopted the notion of ‘unlimited PTO’. After numerous studies have shown that employees with unlimited days off actually take fewer vacations, every CEO and supervisor within 1,000 leagues jumped on the bandwagon.
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work workplace toxic coworkers coworker employee employees ex business company recruiter recruited boss manager working supervisor denied payback salary raise lol reddit

'I worked [there] for $16/hour... Now they’re willing to pay $150k': Ex-company tries to recruit an old employee for 4.5x the salary; he laughs in their face

Fresh-faced college kids are willing to put up with a lot in the workplace. Desperate to find that shiny job they were promised would pay off their student loans within the year, they'll usually start with a scrutinous eye for the golden entry-level job of their dreams. Quickly, they realize it's harder than it seems to find a half-decent job.
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Optometry glasses retail glasses-sale sale discount malicious-compliance reddit employee boss manager promotion raise payback revenge

'I'm giving people 75-99% discounts': Retail employee saves customers $400+ on prescription glasses, getting payback against a manager who denied her a promotion

As we've all seen over the weekend, because of all of the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals being shoved down our throats, sometimes companies need to slash their prices in order to make a sale. Discounts drive the consumer populous mad with desire and even if they're only saving 10% with our coupon, most shoppers will stop at nothing to get it redeemed.
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employee employees boss salary hospital work coworker raise working money pay  denied money

'I was offered $74 an hour': Penny-pinching hospital denies their top doctor a raise, he seeks another position and gets offered 3x the salary

A long time ago I was working for a small company in a niche industry. I represented 50% of the sales team and between me and my coworker, we balanced and managed a company making millions of dollars a year in sales revenue. Despite the herculean efforts between myself and my other coworker, we both took home a meager salary and made peanuts to the dollar. How is it normal that companies– even small ones –can finagle their team out of money that they're earning simply because of their title?
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quitting quit i-quit reddit reddit-thread work work-story overworked underpaid pay raise manager boss promotion denied

'More money for me and my cats': Overworked and underpaid employee triumphantly throws in the towel, finding a higher paying job and leaving his exploitative boss in a lurch

Overworked employees are always under-appreciated. They slave every day and pour their hearts into their job but receive little praise, never see a cash bonus, and usually have to watch their boss take all the credit for their work. Wouldn't it be nice if hard work actually equated to success like we were always told?
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employment employee interview interviewer job jobs job-search work truth honesty honest denied antiwork reddit reddit-thread thread

'Interviewer can't handle the truth': Dude gets denied employment after being brutally honest in an interview

When you've been stuck in the interview process for too long, it starts to get exhausting. Slapping a new smile on everyday, answering the same 3 questions, and thinking of how to spin your greatest weaknesses into positive, work-related gibberish feels futile. Sorry Patricia, my greatest weakness is not my overly strong work ethic… my weakness is an entire box of Little Debbie Shortcake Rolls.
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karen flips-out flip-out public freakout receptionist work schedule procrastinator procrastination denied waiting-list waiting patience appointment vet vet-clinic dog pets dog-owner karens

'Can't you just do it?!': Procrastinating Karen flips out when she realizes she has to wait on a waiting list just like everybody else; veterinary receptionist puts her in her place

When you're planning an extended vacation, any mindful adult considers what they'll do with their pet and what they need to do to prepare their animal for their absence. One Karen recently proved to be the most unprepared pet owner in the vet clinic when she tried to skip the 20 person waiting list after procrastinating too long to make an appointment.
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askreddit, wtf moments, medical professionals,

24 Medical Professionals Share the Most WTF Things Patients Denied

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Donny Gets Denied

Via PR3DA7oR

In The Friendzone, No One Can Hear Your "Oh"

Via acidcow

Forever Waiting

jobs work denied job application failbook g rated - 7599241472
Created by gytu423

Just a Little Smooch?

gif kissing prank denied funny g rated dating - 7538398208
reporter denied Video - 49707265

This Reporter Has an Unusual Obstacle to His Work

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50 Cent Goes for the Awkward Smooch

50 cent denied - 7093732352

As In, "I Don't Wanna Go Clubbing With YOU"

dance denied Party partying - 6330052096
Created by No one

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Group of Friends Scorned

denied - 6004159488
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