
delivery driver

workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs fired job malicious compliance work delivery guy delivery driver supervisor package delivery workplace delivery workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 24452357

Update: Supervisor forced into new role after writing up delivery driver for going above and beyond: 'Wanna discipline me for being right?'

All too often in life, it's the people who are the most commanding of respect who are the least deserving. You can spot these wanna be types of “leaders” from a mile away and within moments of meeting them. They'll usually be the one swaggering around with a a puffed up chest and a massive chip on their shoulder trying to make themselves bigger than they actually are. Of course, being in any position where you're subordinate to one of these people is going to be a nightmare, as they'll do anyth…
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'That's not even my job': Woman demands delivery guy shovel snow from her driveway, he decides to leave her a snowy message instead

'That's not even my job': Woman demands delivery guy shovel snow from her driveway, he decides to leave her a snowy message instead

As a working adult, there is one lesson about work you usually learn the hard way, which is to never let anyone push you into doing work that is not part of your job description. If you agree to even a small job that is something you are not getting paid to do, you will probably end up doing a lot more, without being rewarded for it. This is why the OP in this Reddit story was probably not in a rush to do what a customer asked for. That and the fact that the customer was incredibly entitled and…
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories job snow day malicious compliance snow retail work customers delivery guy delivery driver petty revenge customer food delivery ice package delivery workplace snow shovel delivery karen customer - 24452869

Entitled Karen demands delivery driver shovel her snow-laden driveway: 'I left her a message in the snow'

While all customer service is tough due to the challenging task of dealing with the unpredictable members of the public, delivery drivers have it particularly rough, owing to the fact that they have to consistently interact with these same people whose absurd entitlement is amplified by the proximity of their homes. If you thought that Karen was a doozy to deal with at the customer service desk at Home Depot, just wait until you see how she treats the poor bloke who has to deliver something rig…
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malicious-compliance reddit reddit-thread work workplace coworkers coworker worker employee employees boss micromanager micromanaging manager supervisor revenge payback

'I crashed her computer 3x that day': Delivery driver gets digital revenge on a micromanaging boss by flooding her inbox with 100's of updates

Special requests are rarely taken seriously. When you're getting a haircut, asking for menu substitutions at the restaurant, or when you're begging the DJ to play your favorite song, it seems like you're talking to a brick wall. However, if you're a micromanaging boss with a particularly petty employee, you sometimes get exactly what you asked for…
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'Fine then, no package for you': Family refuses to open door to bike courier during dinner hour

'Fine then, no package for you': Family refuses to open door to bike courier during dinner hour

I've never heard of any family acting the way these people did . It boggles the mind! u/KleptoCyclist wrote their malicious compliance tale that took place during their job as a bike courier. That's an interesting job for sure: you probably get tons of exercise and get to check out all different areas of the town. Then again, you also will experience every type of weather. And, as the OP found out, you'll meet a lot of people, some kind, some mean, and some who are just plain weird. I think it'…
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tow truck pizza pizza delivery pizza delivery guy towing scammers delivery driver pizza guy scams food delivery delivery - 22663685

'[I went] back outside and my car was missing': Pizza guy gets towed instantly by predatory towing company while delivering to apartment complex

Towing companies have a certain reputation for being predatory, lurking in the shadows and waiting for unsuspecting parkers to put one wheel out of place. Pouncing moments after the driver is out of sight, dragging their car away to hold it for ransom without remorse or exception...
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‘No more overtime; Ok, boss': Machines overheat and shut down after delivery driver complies with demanding supervisor's request to ‘stop taking overtime’, leading to over $10,000 in damages

‘No more overtime; Ok, boss': Machines overheat and shut down after demanding supervisor instructs delivery driver to ‘stop taking overtime’, leading to over $10,000 in damages

When complying with your boss's request ends up costing the company tens of thousands of dollars, be ready to get fired… unless you have receipts. Oftentimes, your boss has their head up in the clouds and doesn't know how things work down on the ground. There is only so much you can tolerate before you begin to maliciously comply with their recurring, ridiculous demands. This being said, you don't always know what your boss is going to stipulate, so at times, you will have to be flexible with s…
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workplace-stories toxic-workplace manager work delivery driver package delivery workplace delivery - 21965573

'He never questioned me [...] ever again': Manager demands employee follow their inferior process, experiences immediate regret

We see stories all the time with new bosses coming in and shaking things up in order to make it look like they're going to be effective in their new jobs. But, the thing is, not everything needs changing or improvement. Often, the workers themselves have been doing their jobs for long enough that they have developed their own methods for handling tasks quickly, effectively, and efficiently. As long as important corners aren't being cut in these adapted processes, it stands to reason that the ne…
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revenge delivery driver petty revenge driver Office food delivery workplace delivery karma - 21529093

'The door closed and locked behind me': Delivery driver refuses to hold elevator for guy, guy locks them out of their office

It's always frustrating when someone refuses to uphold the most basic common courtesies. We're all in this together—well, at least we should be—so showing basic courtesy is the very least that you can do, even to a complete stranger. It's small acts of kindness like this and reciprocity that make society tick; should you refuse to participate, you might find the karmic pendulum swinging right back at you. When this office worker witnessed a delivery driver getting into the elevator at his offic…
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'Thieves!!!': Doordasher witnesses a customer getting banned from the app after they try to pull a poorly executed scam

'Thieves!!!': Doordasher witnesses a customer getting banned from the app after they try to pull a poorly executed scam

Justice is a dish delivered cold.
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Falsely accused of working with crime syndicate because I delivered them a pizza

Police Accuse Delivery Driver of Working For Crime Syndicate Because He Delivered Them a Pizza

Working as a delivery driver can be a hell of an experience. Consistently driving around and interacting with people on the threshold of their homes exposes you to a lot of experiences you'd probably rather not have witnessed; there's a reason why there's no shortage of crazy stories from delivery drivers floating around the wider web. People are strange, that's just a fact, and the more of them you interact with in a day, the more likely you are to encounter someone in uncomfortably close prox…
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Delivery driveer | r/idontworkherelady | "He screamed. I replied with the same statement I told the lady, but in a softer tone to attempt to de-escalate this man. As I am in mid-sentence, he pushed me back hard."

'As I am in mid-sentence, he pushed me back': Enraged customer attacks delivery driver over delivery time

It's no great secret that people tend to get worked up about things that really just aren't worth it. Sure, waiting for an unexpectedly long amount of time for your food can be frustrating, and by the time it arrives it's usually cold, but you're forced to begrudgingly eat it in the state that it's in because your hunger has reached unbearable levels. People tend to get irrational when they're hungry but going as far as to attack a delivery driver over a late delivery is downright insane, espec…
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fail, freak out, freak out video, public freak out, fired, work, doordash, chipotle, free, fight video, public embarrassment, false, food delivery, delivery, labor, hard labor, outraged, outrage, america

DoorDash Employee Loses His Job After a Customer Claims She Didn’t Receive Her Chipotle

Hope that $10 burrito was worth it…
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karen, freak out, freak out video, fail, karen fail, funny karen, stupid video, call the police, delivery driver, insane, insane video, crazy video, crazy

Two Karens Freak Out and Barricade a Delivery Driver in Their Driveway, Demanding a Service They Didn't Pay For

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