

‘Please come back': Programmer laid off in favor of new college grad hire, management desperately attempts to rehire him after finding out all their files are deleted

‘Please come back': Programmer laid off in favor of new college grad hire, management desperately attempts to rehire him after finding out all their files are deleted

People get laid off all the time. Especially when you're over 40. See, companies like to hire new kids, fresh out of college, ones who will conform easily to policies, and accept jobs for way less pay. Then, the companies realize their mistake, and they pay dearly for it. Because these new hires have no idea what they're doing. They can't code, build prototypes, and make the customer happy. This senior programmer was laid off after new management swooped in and hired a new kid. The programmer k…
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'They just put themselves in a world of pain from the IRS': Employee deletes all of client's data per their request, then plays the waiting game

'They just put themselves in a world of pain from the IRS': Employee deletes all of client's data per their request, then plays the waiting game

The IRS are not the ones to mess with. Every American has to bend to the IRS's will. They're the ones who require us to do taxes every single year. Sometimes they'll randomly audit you --this happened to me during one year where I made under $35k, which I honestly found hilarious. Surely they could've found a billionaire to audit and rake in that sweet sweet cash, but they really wanted a little more extra moolah from people like me. That's life in America , though. You may not enjoy it, but wh…
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management new-management reddit work thread working work-story fired employee boss deleted software workflow

'[My] software was the heart of the company': New management gets what they deserve after firing the IT guy who created their workflow software; he deletes the program on his way out

When you become the cornerstone of a company, it's unfathomable that management could ever fire you. In this case, OP had multiple gold stars on his lapel after going above-and-beyond, and because of that, OP felt invincible… That is, until new management came along.
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20 Deleted-tweet disasters by people hiding embarrassing mistakes and hot takes

20 Deleted-tweet disasters by people hiding embarrassing mistakes and hot takes

Tweets become at least ten times funnier the moment we can see that the author deleted it! It immediately makes you wonder why they chose to remove the tweet. Were they embarrassed, or did they get something totally wrong? Below are a bunch of Twitter users who tweeted and deleted . It's especially satisfying to see the ones that are deleted within a minute — but the internet never forgets! Next up, this concerned neighbor was annoyed at a speeding driver who was being inconsiderate, so they ca…
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