
I ain't seeing no buffalo, but there sure as heck are a bunch of deer around here. One of the cutest, and surprisingly menacing creatures, at least to suburbia, is the deer. Don't let those doe eyes and bushy tails fool you, turn your head at the wrong time and your Rhododendrons are gone! So check out all this stash of deer products you won't be disappointed in, and forget about your lost gardening award.

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Neurotic Woman Smacks a Deer With Her Purse Then Gets Attacked, Sparking Debate in the Comments

'Beers are cheap too, always under a buck': Innovative Montana Man Makes a Kegerator Out of a Taxidermied Deer, Creating the Ultimate Tailgate Beer Dispenser

'Beers are cheap too, always under a buck': Innovative Montana Man Makes a Kegerator Out of a Taxidermied Deer, Creating the Ultimate Tailgate Beer Dispenser

teen hunter makes Christmas tree out of deer antlers

'A vegan’s worst nightmare': Teenaged bow hunter builds a 10ft tall Christmas tree entirely out of deer antlers

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Energetic Baby Deer Meets Tesla

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Animal Does A Perfect Smoke Alarm Chirp

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Flashback Fail: Man's Dog Cases Deer, Hilarity Ensues

person in a kayak saves a drowning deer in water

Kayaker Saves a Deer from Drowning in Italy

girl playing harp to attract deer

Girl Attracts Deer While Playing "Sound Of Silence" With Harp

Excavator lifts deer in bucket from mud hole.

Excavator Operator Saves Stuck Deer

Video of a little girl getting chased by a deer.

Unsuspecting Little Girl Gets Chased by Deer

Pictures of wild animals taken at night.

Funny and Weird Night Photos of Animals Taken By Camera Traps (9 Images)

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Rude New Jersey Deer Farts at Bystander

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Tense Moment As Police Responding To Break-In Find Deer

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Deer At The Park Absolutely Loves Having His Antlers Jiggled

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Phil Collins Deer Fail Mashup Is a Triumph of the Internet

derping animals

21 Animals Really Derping It Out

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