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'I demanded an apology': Local barista gets back at an insolent customer by serving him and his coworkers decaf until he makes a public apology; it took 3 days

Don't bite the hand that feeds you. For folks who work late night shifts, it's more important to remember the mantra, 'don't bite the hand that caffeinates you!' When you have a good rapport with your local barista, good things can happen. When you make an enemy out of your coffee server… You're gonna have a bad time.
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‘Karen got decaf for six weeks’: Barista serves Karen customer decaf for six weeks after Karen messes with staff

‘Karen got decaf for six weeks’: Barista serves Karen customer decaf for six weeks after Karen messes with staff

Staff working in the service industry are often greeted by unruly Karen customers who march in like they own the place, demanding discounts and ordering them around. Often because of poor management, the staff are forced to deal with the impolite attitude quietly inside their heads, as opposed to talking back and standing up for themselves. In this case, OP was working as a barista at a coffee shop where they served such a Karen customer, who happened to be a regular. Karen was manageable up un…
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Always Be Polite

monday thru friday decaf barista work Starbucks g rated - 8186340096
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decaf comics coffee mistake - 7113613312
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Error! Error!

5-hour Energy caffeine decaf - 6181437696

Well This Is Confusing

coffee decaf note - 4508240384
Created by dreamer_with_big_dreams

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