
daughter in law

'He needs more money than his brother': Father gives younger son bigger inheritance than the older, based on their in-laws’ financial state

'He needs more money than his brother': Father gives younger son bigger inheritance than the older, based on their in-laws’ financial state

Money is never an easy subject to bring up within a family. No matter how close you are to your parents or siblings, talking about salaries, inheritances, or wills will always be awkward. That is why I think as parents, you have to be sensible and honest if you end up in a spot where you have to bring these subjects up. Do not try to sugarcoat anything, but talk to your kids like the adults they probably are. That is the advice I would personally give this person who turned to Reddit for advice…
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'My MIL pulled [a] little stunt': Daughter-in-law gets revenge on Mother-in-law's selfish holiday gift by losing 100+ pounds

Oh in-laws, aren't they just a couple of peaches? Sarcasm aside, they can truly be great people to enter your life, but the stories we find about them on the internet are often the opposite of that. Sometimes, monster-in-laws are a real life terror. Not always! But sometimes… For example, this Reddit story of a monster mother-in-law. This woman, before coming out and divorcing her than husband, had a mother-in-law who was her frenemy. the mother-in-law would present OP with fake pleasantries an…
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‘Not an opportunity to make a quick buck’: Mother-in-law tries to charge her pregnant daughter $400+ for cleaning the house, while she was at the hospital giving birth

Usually good Samaritan behavior is something people don't expect reimbursement for, but apparently for one woman, her mother-in-law expected to be paid in full for her good deeds.
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