
dating apps

'Bringing my kid with me on the first date': Top Tinder Moments of the Week (September 2, 2023)

'Bringing my kid with me on the first date': Top Tinder Moments of the Week (September 2, 2023)

Now that the summer is coming to a close and now that no one had the summer flings they really wanted, it's time for our weekly roundup of the top Tinder moments, courtesy of Reddit's endlessly entertaining r/Tinder subreddit. There has to be something about the August heat that makes people become especially forward on dating apps, or perhaps people are always like that now and we're just grasping at straws for excuses. The reality is the summer drought has made us all thirsty for the change o…
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Top 27 Witty Texts This Week by Demanding Daters’

Top 27 Witty Texts This Week by Demanding Daters’

Modern dating at its finest
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Top 20+ Bold Hot Takes and Pickup Lines from Online Folks with Rizz

Top 20+ Bold Hot Takes and Pickup Lines from Online Folks with Rizz

Part of being a single person in the digital age requires big swings online.
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'My date asked if we knew each other': Guy goes on cringe first date when he discovers his waitress is the other girl he was messaging that day

'My date asked if we knew each other': Guy goes on cringe first date when he discovers his waitress is the other girl he was messaging that day

It's not exactly easy to play it cool in a situation like this. Picture this: you wake up one morning and you scroll on social media for a bit. Then, you complete your lazy morning routine by checking out your dating app matches and messages. You start to message someone new, you exchange witty texts, and you agree to catch up later because you both have to get ready for work. You then check in with the person you had already been messaging for quite some time now because the two of you have a…
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The Best Dating App Flops of the Week for Tinder Dinner Dates (August 10, 2023)

The Best Dating App Flops of the Week for Tinder Dinner Dates (August 10, 2023)

This is what you get for installing that dating app
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'I Was Promptly Ghosted': Top 21 Dating App Flops of the Week (August 2, 2023)

'I Was Promptly Ghosted': Top 21 Dating App Flops of the Week (August 2, 2023)

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'He wouldn't stop singing Hamilton': 30 Reasons People Dumped Their Exes

'He wouldn't stop singing Hamilton': Top 30 Funniest Reasons People Dumped Their Exes

Sometimes, things don't work out for bizarre reasons.
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Funniest Dating App Flops That Hit Rock Bottom

Funniest Dating App Flops That Hit Rock Bottom

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Top 15 Wholesome Pickup Lines of the Week (July 24, 2023)

Top 15 Wholesome Pickup Lines of the Week (July 24, 2023)

Everyone acts like they don't like a cheesy pickup line, but have you ever actually gotten one? They're kind of great.
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'My husband knows I'm on here': 20+ Reasons to Swipe Left on Dating Apps

'My husband knows I'm on here': 20+ Reasons to Swipe Left on Dating Apps

We know all too well at this point that people put crazy things on their dating app profiles. Sometimes, they are bizarre confessions that should wait till at least a third or fourth date. Sometimes, they are strangely hostile and limiting remarks about what they're looking for on the app. And sometimes, they are such boring stock answers to questions that you wonder if this person is even real. Who knows? Maybe they are a bot. And bots, folks, are an immediate “swipe left.” In addition to bots…
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Top 28 Dating App Flops of the Week (July 13, 2023)

Top 28 Dating App Flops of the Week (July 13, 2023)

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10+ Top Tinder Moments From the Wild World of Online Dating

10+ Top Tinder Moments From the Wild World of Online Dating

When you venture forth into the wild wilderness of online dating, there's no telling who (or what) you might find… Turn over enough rocks, and you're bound to uncover some creatures who would have been better off remaining under said rock. But that shouldn't discourage us from pursuing meaningful connections with other people. Remember, if you turn over a rock and find a toad… It might turn out to be a prince. That—or you're just going to look really silly kissing a bunch of frogs out in the ra…
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The Best Dating App Fails of the Week (June 6, 2023)

The Best Dating App Fails of the Week (July 6, 2023)

The intricate workings of dating app algorithms are beyond us, at this point. It seems as though fate has conspired against us in this realm of digital romance. Tinder stands as both a glorious boon and a dreadful curse upon our species. On the one hand, it liberates us from the need to initiate face to face encounters with potential love interests. On the other hand, alas, it retrains us from indulging in the cherished art of approaching others in the real world. Whether one seeks a casual arr…
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Top 27 Dating App Flops of the Week (June 28, 2023)

Top 27 Dating App Flops of the Week (June 28, 2023)

Swipe left
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'You Should Be Banned; Unmatch Now': Top Dating App Flops This Week (June 21, 2023)

'You Should Be Banned; Unmatch Now': Top Dating App Flops This Week (June 21, 2023)

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'I burped in my manager's face': 20 embarrassing things people did in front of their bosses and crushes

'I burped in my manager's face': 20 embarrassing things people did in front of their bosses and crushes

There's nothing worse than messing up in front of a crush.
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