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Mom takes daughter home after the 9-year-old is singled out and made to bowl against grown adult man at kid's birthday party: ‘Her friends asked her why she was leaving and she said she didn’t want to bowl with the male stranger’

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16-year old pressured by parents to give them his savings to support his younger siblings: 'My parents are bad with money'

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8-year-old daughter wants snowglobe for Christmas, mom says no, dad gives it to her anyways and it breaks instantly: '[My] daughter dropped it'

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'Made bagels... my toddler took a single bite out of each one': 20 Times parents discovered the mildly infuriating things their kids were doing

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Dad lets 7-year-old daughter stay up late to teach her the importance of sleep, sparking disagreement with his wife: 'I thought the mission was a success but my wife questioned my parenting technique'

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"Selfish" dad takes 6-year-old daughter's favorite cereal, starting an argument between her parents in front of her: 'He's had at least 1/3 of the entire box over those two bowls'

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Woman asks her biological son to stop calling her "mom" causing rift and diving online readers: 'It feels disrespectful...'

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Couple names first 4 children after children's grandparents balks at naming the fifth after step-grandma causing rift in the family: '[I] never ever considered calling her mom'

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‘I am the leader/boss. I am also cool and nice’: Heartwarming local boys win over the neighborhood with their lovable snow shoveling business proposal

'Your daughter was baiting seagulls into the playground with gummy worms': 25+ Times kids were funny without even trying

'Your daughter was baiting seagulls into the playground with gummy worms': 25+ Times kids were completely hilarious without even trying