
cursed images

25 Pizzas with quirky and questionable toppings

25 Pizzas with quirky and questionable toppings

Pizzas that are this bizarre make us feel philosophical. At what point does a pizza, loaded up with the most random toppings you can think of, cease to be a pizza pie?
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'Ham in [my] public school lunch is just frozen in a block of ice': 25 Strange school lunches that left students still hungry

'Ham in [my] public school lunch is just frozen in a block of ice': 25 Strange school lunches that left students still hungry

The cafeteria chefs who cook for public school kids are doing a very important job, but the meals they serve up can sometimes miss the mark. I want to take this opportunity to use my platform to talk about Italian dunkers. These were a top tier lunch food , and as a very picky child, it was my saving grace. These Italian dunkers were basically just mozzarella cheese sticks wrapped inside dough, but they tasted heavenly. Looking back, giving an 8-year-old four cheese sticks for lunch with a side…
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'My boss puts applesauce on his pizza': 20+ Pizzas that should never have been baked

'My boss puts applesauce on his pizza': 20+ Crispy, crunchy crimes against pizza

If you thought pineapple on pizza was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.
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The vibes are bad! 20 Cursed (and possibly haunted) rooms that will give you goosebumps

The vibes are bad! 20 Cursed (and possibly haunted) rooms that will give you goosebumps

The bad vibes are coming from inside the house ! The shivers, the creeps, the ick — there are many ways to talk about that weird feeling you get when you see a place with bad vibes. It's a feeling of repulsion and disgust; the strange feeling that the place is not quite right. Maybe it's even haunted! Some sort of sixth sense is screaming at you to get out of that room. On that ominous note, check out these rooms with the ultimate bad vibes down below. Be honest, which room could you actually n…
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30 Catastrophically cursed computer setups

30 Catastrophically cursed computer setups

In the times before Zoom calls , computer rooms used to be a haven for cuddling up, eating 800 snacks, and playing video games until 4 AM. There was no need for them to be pretty or aesthetic, because you and your closest pals were the only ones who needed to see your gaming room . This, as you can image, results in some pretty cursed computer setups. Some are messy and cluttered with food leftovers, some are absurdly built, and some have withered our eyeballs from the sheer shock of these comp…
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FAILS design fail FAIL cursed images Memes funny fails funny - 18334725

30 Ridiculous design FAILs from people who lacked proper judgement

We always point to the invention of the lightbulb as the penultimate moment of creation, greater maybe than the creation of man itself; but instead of a bearded dude elegantly touching fingertips with a ripped naked bloke, this creation involved another (less bearded) dude sitting in his basement, touching himself, and smashing wires together. By all accounts, Thomas Edison was a total a-hole (AITA for screwing over my rival Nikola Tesla?) —but despite the misbehavior of its inventor, nothing h…
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food memes cursed food cursed images meme food funny - 17983237

20+ Incredibly Cursed Foods That Should Be Banned From Existance

There are some creations that people out there thought were brilliant when they came up with them that really shouldn't have come into existence at all. In fact, we should ban these people from even further participating in society. Items that make this list include the “peeing Calvin sticker" and “tow-hitch testicles,” both of which are worshipped and frequently used by a certain particular demographic. Other things that I'd put on this list include subscription services for things that should…
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creepy designs

Terrifically Creepy Designs That We Hope Weren't Intentional

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funny strange weird wtf blursed images

25 Blursed Images That Are Terrifically Intriguing And Rewarding

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cursed images

Cursed Images To Not Feel So Good About

Thanks, I hate it.
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blursed images

25 Blursed Images From This Strange Plane Of Existence

Oh, weird.
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strange things people put up for sale online

Cursed And Stupid Junk People Tried Selling On Facebook Marketplace

One person's trash is another person's garbage.
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wtf old recipe cards

Old Recipe Cards We Hope No One Ever Tried

Because salad needs Jell-O.
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funny blursed images

25 Blursed Images Of Concerning Hilarity

There's definitely something going on here.
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design fail homes wtf architecture cringe design cursed images houses weird - 16256261

Design Nightmares To Give Architects The Creeps

The thing about rooms is that nothing feels wrong with one until something totally is. We've all seen enough bathtubs to know that they shouldn't be carpeted, and a kitchen that's designed to only fit a backwards oven is somehow anxiety inducing. Also what's the deal with people putting bathtubs and Jacuzzis on display in a main living area? What was going on in there? Here are some more rooms with bad vibes.
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creepy, cursed, weird wtf images

Cursed, Creepy and Weird Images From The Abyss

The abyss is the internet.
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