
shameful embarrassing stories | flabinella 10.0k points 13 hours ago had great day at waterpark outdoor pool and towards afternoon woman came up and whispered my ear have problem with my swimsuit reached behind noticed huge gap fabric torn right middle and could see my white, untanned asscrack running around like this all day and no one said anything.

11 Ashamed People Share Their Most Embarrassing Moments

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Mortified Woman's Worst Date Ever Involves Funeral And Things Get Even Worse

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12 Hot And Spicy FMLs From People Who Are Mad At The World

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16 Images Oversaturated With Awkward To Give You Cringe-Induced Palpitations

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20 Target Employees Share The Worst Incidents They've Seen With The Giant Red Balls In Front Of The Store

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9 People Share The Most Crazy, Messed Up Ways Ex-Employees Have Gotten Fired

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Lightning Fast Destruction Of Heckler By Comedian

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10 All-American Fails To Make You Feel Great About Your WORST Day

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10 Cringe-Packed Conversations That Escalated To 100 Ferociously Quickly

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9 Tinder Moments That'll Make You Curse The State Of Modern Dating

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Guy Trolls Nigerian Facebook Scammer So Hard She Dumps Him

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Vegan Milkshake Made Of Hummus Is Making Twitter Queasy

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10 Awkward Texts From Exes That Should've Stayed In The Drafts Folder

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Ridiculous Choosy Beggar Demanding A Free Feast Will Give You A Rage Headache

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16 Of The Strangest WTF Things People Have Said In Their Sleep

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FAIL FRIDAY: This Week's Gnarliest Fails To Fuel Your Friday Grind