
posts by homewreckers and cheaters

14 Shameless Homewreckers Share Stories That'll Make Your Blood Boil

tifu guy almost gets fired for making girl laugh too hard

Guy Almost Gets Fired After Making Girl He Likes At Work Laugh Dangerously Hard

men missing hints from women

18 Obvious Hints From Women That Men Have Failed To Pick Up On

revenge on exes

15 People Share The Craziest Ways They Took Revenge On Their Exes

people share bad gifts

28 Disgruntled People Share The Sh*ttiest Gifts They've Ever Received

choosing beggars being cheap

10 Loathsome Packrats Who Refuse To Negotiate Sanely Over Prices

tifu guy almost gets chainsawed for something he didn't do

Confused Guy Almost Gets Chainsawed After Being Accused Of Stealing His Ex-Girlfriend's Psycho Little Brother's Highlighter

wtf employee job work cringe askreddit ridiculous - 7613445

30 Astonished Employees Share The Craziest Stunts They've Seen Coworkers Get Away With

cover image of cooking fails

35 Hilariously Catastrophic Cooking Fails To Make You Feel Better About Your Darkest Hour

whisper confessions about polyamorous relationships

14 People Confess What It's Really Like Going Through Polyamorous Breakups

Homeowners stories

19 Distressed Homeowners Share Their HOA Nightmare Stories

waiting to be proposed

16 Impatient Women Share How They're Waiting For A Proposal

cringe askreddit walk of shame ridiculous funny guilty - 7593477

40 Embarrassed People Share The Most Ridiculous Walk Of Shames They've Suffered Through Or Seen

bad life advice

26 Unimpressed People Share The Absolute Worst Life Advice They've Received

cringe relationships exes breakup dating - 7186437

15 Unanticipated Times People's Exes Reached Out

Music twitter cringe Awkward wedding divorce social media ridiculous - 7201029

17 Bitter And Heartbroken People Share The Songs They'd Play At Their Divorces