

truck driver cool stunt impressive

Truck Driver Quick Shifts Semi Truck Flawlessly

She's got mad skills.
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extreme sports biker in the desert

Biker's Adrenaline-Charged Ride Is An Emotional Rollercoaster

Words fall short for something like this.
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weird things people saw in other people's homes | minervasbiscuittin 16.7k points 12 hours ago O 2 e 3 6 edited 3 hours ago Back my teenage babysitting days regularly watched three kids whose parents kept one those ENORMOUS packages hot dogs out on kitchen counter. Everyone household would just wander by and grab room-temperature hot dog as snack whenever they felt like babysat them 2-3 times per week over year and never not saw those hot dogs wonder about them all time.

Weird Stuff People Saw In People's Houses

Everyone has a different idea of "normal."
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Tumblr user shares all the crazy happenings of their first day at Target |  Things Happened On My First Day At Target -Sold lingerie an eighty year old woman -Got free salted caramel frappacino suspectedly gay barista, Parker -Sold bra mom sixteen year old girl who cringing entire time

Target Employee Details His First Crazy Week Of Work

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creepy earthquake safe bed coffin casket

Company's Earthquake Safe Bed Is Nightmare Fuel

Hard nope on this bed.
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Parent helps daughter's boyfriend get out of crazy parent financial situation | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by u/HUGO_4815162342 AITA helping my daughter's boyfriend against his parents wishes? Long story short, am asshole giving my daughter's boyfriend his portion money he needed them move into an apartment together, against his parents wishes? His parents are majorly pissed because gave him money, because they didn't want him move with my daughter. He is 22 years

Parents Keep Adult Son's Paycheck and Offer Him an Allowance

Evidently it takes some intervention to get out of that kind of a situation.
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funny story about goth fighting bouncers

Man Tells Story About Goth Kid Defeating Bouncers

They got leathered.
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Karen goes crazy on Tattoo shop owner story | r/IDontWorkHerelady Posted by u/Complex_River 7 46 S11 5 20 hours ago Karen goes tattoo shop XXXXL Maybe 10 years ago owned tattoo shop located next door (same strip mall piercing shop had gone next door watch lobby piercer while they ran and grabbed some change. So karen walks and get why she thinks work there sitting behind counter K here last week and fucked up my piercing. Its infected now and need fix dont work here just

Tattoo Artist Deals With Totally Feral Karen

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wtf cringe gross trashy moments | Poquoson Trash and Treasure not stolen Fully Frozen shredded chicken taco Bell meat never been opened never been thawed C-482 SAVORY SHREDDED CHICKEN ID# 00000093 GIN# 00SES5 MFG: 10 2/2O USE BY 06/29/21 $100 GLOUCESTER, VA Taco Bell shredded chicken meat | car parked blocking access to shopping carts

Trashy Moments That Flooded The World With Garbage

People aren't the greatest sometimes.
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An informative Tumblr thread about how humans go crazy without plants | zachsanomaiy Humans have never lived fully under ground or completely inclosed societies at any point human history part because need decent circadian rhythm sun and see plants and breathe fresh air But also because humans hallucinate and lose their minds if they are inclosed something with structural insecurities, like are legit predisposed go psycho So hear out Story plot:Everything is going fine with fifteen year space

Tumblr Post: Humans Need Their Plant Friends

Plants are the real homies.
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hiker finds site of airplane crash

Man Stumbles On Airplane Crash While Out Hiking

Not the typical hike.
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cool video of an Apache Attack helicopter

Apache Attack Helicopter Gives RC Pilots A Surprise

Their reaction is genuinely amazing.
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airplane aircraft pilot narrating a speed check cool video

LA Speed Check Narrated By Pilot

What a ride.
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People describe the biggest bullets that they ever dodged | well_uh_yeah 3h 4 Awards my great aunt passed away helping clean out her house just dragging everything out basement and suddenly my dad is like Whoa! Put down gently and let's move away here Sol put weird metal tube-type thing carrying down and get out there. Turns out 's mortar shell my aunt worked munitions factor during WI. Bomb squad came and took away.

Biggest Bullets People Dodged

Way too close.
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People describe their wildest butterfly effect situations from small decisions | lulun97 6h 3 4 Awards sent friend secondary school (who had huge crush on message saying happy birthday couple years after left school. Did whole have catch up soon thing, not expecting much. He replied with about Monday saw him Monday coffee. Next month will be our 6th anniversary. Best thing ever happened My friends joke queen escaping friendzone

Craziest Butterfly Effects From People's Small Decisions

The universe works in mysterious ways.
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Girl finds shark on the beach, and then yeets it back into the ocean | love going walks at night, especially there's clear sky, so age sixteen, would go few miles up beach around midnight most nights. One night, while still about mile our house saw something rolling surf s either plastic bag caught on log thought Or four foot shark jogged over not plastic bag caught on log shark moving and didn't appear be hurt, but caught water only an inch or so deep, being pushed higher with every wave by

Girl Discovers Shark On Beach, Throws It Back Into Ocean

There should be an animated short for this.
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