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Slothful coworker demands employee's bonus claiming that she deserves it more, gets 3-week suspension: '[She] is going around the office calling me “selfish” and “greedy”'

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'I was given a 1 cent raise': 20+ Job quitters who had great motivations to leave their workplace for good

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'A "grandma shower" is just tacky': Employee gets coworkers to throw her unnecessary party, one employee opts out of "absolutely ridiculous" event

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‘She literally put my life at risk’: Employee gets the office Karen fired after she tries to defraud their medical alert service dog, taking things dangerously far for the sake of being 'right'

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Artist gets fired when a shady studio director suspects they're a whistleblower for OSHA, 3 years later, they get their revenge through subsequent success: ‘I have $30k in savings and I’m booked through 2026'

Micromanager demands employee cover a 13-hour long shift on their day off, employee refuses and quits job on the spot: ‘I can't stand to go in and see their faces’

Micromanager demands employee cover a 13-hour long shift on their day off, employee refuses and quits job on the spot: ‘I can't stand to go in and see their faces’

'If I leave, I'll never set foot in this store again': 17-year-old server reprimanded by coworker for helping out per manager's request, refuses to finish final two weeks

'If I leave, I'll never set foot in this store again': 17-year-old server reprimanded by coworker for helping out per manager's request, refuses to finish final two weeks

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'The owner... said I was lucky not to be fired': Small business employee brings toddler into work without permission, insists they're a "vital" worker

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'I am doing more babysitting than my actual job': Employee brings toddlers to office constantly and expects female coworker to watch them all day

‘Pay the fee and I'll drive you home’: Employee demands coworkers for money after months of driving them around for free, they accuse him of being selfish in response

‘Pay the fee and I'll drive you home’: Employee demands coworkers for money after months of driving them around for free, they accuse him of being selfish in response

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'You're the new hire right?': Good-guy CEO surprises his new worker after getting a scalding cup of coffee spilled all over him, buying the employee a replacement cup as a welcome

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'[He] ignored instructions... and dropped a $250,000 machine': 20+ Workers who made huge blunders but weren't fired

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'I just burst out laughing': Interviewee walks out of a laughably terrible job interview after getting 'offered' $16/hour, no travel compensation, and zero hours

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'I don't want a sandwich, I want a raise': Employee discovers newly-hired 16-year-old makes more money than them, gets offered food instead of a raise

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'My boss wanted me to train my replacement, but I didn't work there anymore': 16-year-old employee gets back at retail boss who unfairly suspended them

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'Guy told me he couldn't really move fast because his motorcycle boots were too heavy': 20+ Employees who got fired for surprisingly funny reasons