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'This will 100% blow up in your face': Single guy tries to fake his way into getting 2 months of paternity leave, gets saved by strangers online from fraud, felony charges, and jail time

"Getting fired is the least of your worries"
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'Don't play games with my paycheck': After getting 20 hours docked from their paycheck, employee reports their bumbling payroll manager to the big boss

The minute that your company starts having ‘issues' with payroll it's time to run. Dust off that resume and practice your interview voice because the second that an accounting department starts fumbling your only reason to clock in every day, it may be time to throw up a peace sign and walk out the front door.
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'I desperately need my [bonus]': Boss withholds holiday bonuses and throws a Christmas party instead, ignoring the votes of the majority of the office

If you had the choice between a bundle of cash and a cringey office Christmas party, which would you chose? For some, the Christmas bonus means a new set of tires or an in-home heater repair, but to others they'd rather peacock through the workplace, guzzling free cocktails and flaunting their shiniest blazer.
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'That's close to $1,200': Principal outlaws a teacher's homemade ergonomic desk chair; teacher forces HR to replace his entire workstation to comply with the same 'health and safety rules'

Before working from home and outfitting a workstation in my living room, I never realized how expensive desk chairs could be. After being initially shocked by the multitude of chairs online that cost $1,000+ for an 'ergonomic design', it made me question how important it was to be comfortable for 8 hours a day at my desk.
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'You're really shocked I'm taking it?': Guy scores a 15% pay increase with a new job after repeatedly getting denied promotion opportunities

Over the last few years, we've all found ourselves in a bit of a financial pickle. Whether you blame inflation, shrinkflation, or whatever new economics term the experts are calling it, the bottom line is that life is getting more expensive. So a lot of working class folks are trying to get promoted, get raises, and generally make more money just to keep up with their expenses.
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'My employers are stealing from me': Penny-pinching managers try to skim hours off of a receptionist's paycheck, they get caught red handed, facing labor board lawsuits

Working an hourly job makes you appreciate every second you spend on the clock. Depending on your hourly wage (and how bored you get on your shift) you might even know the mathematical breakdown of what you earn per second when you're on the job! So when the bean counters in the back start skimming quarters and dimes off of your daily shift, what does that add up to?
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'Do nothing all night for a ton of OT? Why not?': Guy cashes in on 22 hours of overtime when his hot-headed boss ignores his advice

Employees do the work, while bosses do… what exactly? When it comes to daily operations in your workplace, there's nobody who knows stuff quite like you do. After countless hours watching the time click by on the dated analog clock in the corner, employees are specifically trained to know every detail about their office space.
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'I'm your colleague not your mom': Childish coworker relentlessly demands favors from the entire office; gets put on probation and reassigned after taking things too far

The reason so many parents have struggled with working from home is because they can't find any peace and quiet when their tiny humans running around. Toddler screams, childish demands, and constant questions from the little ones can lead to the worst productivity you've ever seen, which is why a lot of employees actually prefer going in to the office to get their work done– but what if the office was riddled with the same moronic tomfoolery?
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'We won't be paid, [so] my answer was no': Daycare worker refuses to work overtime for the school's Christmas party, gets criticized for lacking 'Team Spirit'

During the holidays, it's almost inevitable that someone at the dinner table will ask you for free services related to your career. If you're a lawyer, you'll likely be asked for legal advice over the Christmas ham. If you're a doctor, your distant cousins might ask you if the mole on their neck is benign after a few too many glasses of grog. And if you're a daycare worker, you'll likely be asked to volunteer for free at your school's kiddo Christmas bash.
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work workplace coworker employee employees boss bosses intern scandal office holiday holiday-party party office-party office lawsuit hr report scandal

'Get your boss fired': During the office holiday party, an employee catches his boss canoodling with an intern, causing a debate on the difference between blackmail, leverage, and legit honesty

Holiday parties are often filled with merriment, spiked holiday punch, and a lot of glittery clothing. When partying with your friends, there's no risks, but when you're at the company-sanctioned holiday party, the blend of corporate pleasantries and boozy free drinks don't mix well… And quite frankly, it's a lawsuit waiting to happen.
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work workplace coworker workers employee employees manager boss bosses fired working job company relatable getting-fired wrongful termination terminated osha

'I'm oddly happy': Brave employee is overwhelmingly encouraged after getting wrongfully fired, going viral for rebelling against a toxic workplace

Nobody wants to get fired around the holidays. It's objectively the worst time to lose your source of income and it's also consequently the worst time to find a NEW job. Since everyone's already enjoying their ‘let’s circle back in 2024' season, you're unlikely to get a sit down with the hiring department in any employment position... unless you're interested in retail. For that reason, most workers don't stage a coup against management during the holidays, but in our next story...
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work workplace coworker coworkers employee employees boss manager managers quit quitting working job company business resignation payback revenge reddit

'I give it 3 months before he quits or gets fired': Karma takes over a former employee's department after he quits, revealing a slacker manager's true managerial value

It's frustrating to see someone else take credit for your work at your job. This can be especially frustrating when you know that the guy claiming your good fortune is a total nincompoop that wouldn't survive a day without you in the office.
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'I was prepared to help, however...': Unkind coworker lashes out at the accountant helping him absolve $4,500 in debt; ends up having to pay in full

Rudeness doesn't get you very far in the customer service world. As someone who used to answer phones to help out my company's customers, the ones who opened the call with raw fury rarely saw me go above and beyond to help them. Nobody wants to go out of their way to help someone who's going to act like a meany pants.
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work workpalce coworker employees employee boss manager supervisor working promotion fired terminated position resigned

‘Nobody at work is your friend’: Boss betrays a loyal employee, notifying him that he's fired by asking him to train his replacement

When an employee leaves a company, there's a duty-vacuum that opens up in their wake. All of the responsibilities that that employee once did are now left to the devices of those left behind. Usually, it's simply a nuisance until the higher ups hire someone new, but for some, that opens a door of opportunity into a promotion. Right?!
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'[She was] charged with theft over $5000': Coworker frames worker for theft leading to loss of their job, worker gets her arrested

There's nothing worse than being blamed for something you didn't do, especially when you know who did do it but can't prove anything to defend yourself. This sinking feeling is one we have all probably felt at one point or another, like on the playground after some spoilt classmate framed us for their own misdeeds... No, Jared, I didn't throw that ball at the recess teacher, but you know very well who did.
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employee employees boss salary hospital work coworker raise working money pay  denied money

'I was offered $74 an hour': Penny-pinching hospital denies their top doctor a raise, he seeks another position and gets offered 3x the salary

A long time ago I was working for a small company in a niche industry. I represented 50% of the sales team and between me and my coworker, we balanced and managed a company making millions of dollars a year in sales revenue. Despite the herculean efforts between myself and my other coworker, we both took home a meager salary and made peanuts to the dollar. How is it normal that companies– even small ones –can finagle their team out of money that they're earning simply because of their title?
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