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To save $2,000, penny-pinching Karen chooses a budget handyman over a respectable contractor, pays the price later when he refuses to fix the amateur's mistakes: ‘Not worth my trouble’

This Karen, a cheapo haggler, decided she didn't feel like paying market value for her bathroom remodel after haranguing her contractor for months over every nickel and dime, but this ultimately cost more than just a couple thousand dollars, it would cost the integrity of her entire house.
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'Deal with it': Foreman puts his contractor's health on the line after denying him proper safety equipment on a hazmat-worthy job site

When you're a contractor working on the job, there are a million hazardous things around you. We've all seen Final Destination, we know what the wood chipper, the table saw, and the open electrical wires are capable of… But what about the less obvious hazards at work?
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workplace discussion employment issues workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion contractors manager job workplace Horrible Bosses contractor employment in the workplace - 25182213

'No': Middle manager demands contractor attend "mandatory" meeting, contractor replies with a simple "no"

Contracting is a tough gig, yet it is becoming increasingly common as companies seek to shift further towards a low-cost, low-obligation workforce. The thing is, as a contractor, you have fewer benefits and less guarantee of income, but while that uncertainty can be hard to manage, it makes up for that in flexibility. See, when you're a contractor, your “employer” (clients) really can't make you do anything outside of the contracted production they're paying you for. They can't set when or how…
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Fierce college girl legally annihilates the shady contractor trying to rip off her elderly parents: 'I was possessed by the ghost of a prosecuting legal shark'

Who knew you could win a legal battle with the jargon you learn in a college freshman's 101 class?
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'All that for a pitcher of lemonade': 17 Handymen share wholesome tales of gracious clients whose kindness made them go above and beyond

Time to show some appreciation to our boys with blue collars
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'I told you so': NY contractor is aghast after clients slash budget by $300k "just because," gets bittersweet redemption 2 years later

'I told you so': NY contractor is aghast after clients slash budget by $300k "just because," gets bittersweet redemption 2 years later

Budgeting for a home remodeling is never easy, especially when you live in NYC or any big city, really. Prices are always higher and the market for private contractors is so saturated it gets very overwhelming. However, it's not easy for the contractors either. You think doing construction in an area surrounded by other buildings and nowhere to park heavy machinery is easy? It takes a lot of finesse and experience. So when you find a contractor that is known for their honesty and craftsmanship,…
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'His jaw was on the floor': Small business owner scams guy out of $400, loses $15,000

Sometimes it's amazing just how much force a karmic pendulum can swing back with, paying you back for your misdeeds ten-fold. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/ProRevenge subreddit by the avenger's friend, Redditor u/Three-Nations, who tells the story of how their friend got even with a scammer after the scammer tried to cheat them over a used water heater that they had sold. The scammer came back several weeks after the sale, trying to tell the friend that it was not working. The friend off…
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karens entitled parents family stories contractors drama entitlement-stories shocking stories entitled karen entitled people - 20292101

'They sure love your house!': Entitled contractors unexpectedly bring their kids to couple's home, who then proceed to trash it

Decorum in a situation you've seldom encountered can be difficult to discern. You suddenly find yourself overthinking every movement, act, and word that comes out of your mouth to try and seem like you know what's going on and belong in that situation. So, then, what should you do when you have a contractor in your home? I'm sure we've all shared in the awkwardness of this experience at some point. Are you meant to try and help them or offer assistance? It would be polite to offer them a glass…
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The Word 'Full' Should Probably Have an Asterisk Nex

cars contractors Professional At Work windows - 4853198336
Created by hemmons

We've Been Forced To Use 1/6 Power

contractors green energy light switch - 4519468032
Created by TorresA

Damn, We Installed The House Upside Down Again

construction contractors garage upside down wtf - 4387603200
Created by Unknown


business name contractors failboat innuendo STD - 3858475008
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