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'I went as Calvin and Hobbes... everyone thought I was Siegfried and Roy': 20+ Scarily awkward Halloween costume mixups

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'The company makes $300 a day on this': Servers scoff at the chance to win a $5 'prize' when the restaurant holds a contest for employees to upsell customers

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Ohio Turnpike Reveals New Snowplow Names, They Are Perfect

Entitled influencer's obsessed dad gets involved in contest and ruins project | Posted by u/EstamelTharchon 3 days ago an obsessed parent can lose biggest client Long told this story all my friends, and suppose 's time share with developer at an $agency. Our biggest client at time bank. Apparently, banks our area have huge hard-on raffles, giveaways, and similar marketing tricks get new accounts opened. Better yet, they are constantly trying one-up each other, which is great marketing/developer

Entitled Influencer's Dad Disputes Contest, Ruins Entire Project

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X Factor Contestant Throws Epic Tantrum

Guy lies about his biggest fear on a gameshow, and ends up winning a car.

Guy Lies About Biggest Fear On Game Show, Ends Up Winning Car

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Guy Does Color Commentary on Brutal Ear Pulling Championship

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Guy Busts a Nut in Worst Possible Way

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Guy Completes Challenge From Flat Earther Who Promises $100K To Anyone Who Can Complete It

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25 People Share the Reality of Winning A Year or Lifetime "Supply" of Something

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The World's Ugliest Dog Will Make You Want to Wash Your Eyes with Bleach

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Sexy Brazilian Gameshow Contestant Ends Up Topless, Instantly Sending Blood Rushing to Funny Places

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Moment Between Two Contestants Is a Show-Stopping Kind of Awkward

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Someone Call the Ninja Turtles

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That's a $500 Basketball Shot This Kid Just Scored

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The Winner of a Free Contest Gets Angry That They Didn't Win Enough From a Free Contest

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