
construction equipment

'The concrete bags... begin to harden into just big rocks': Construction worker lets thousands of dollars of concrete get destroyed by following boss's orders

'The concrete bags... begin to harden into just big rocks': Construction worker lets thousands of dollars of concrete get destroyed by following boss's orders

What was this construction boss thinking? His employee, u/Stumpy6464, was baffled by the instructions they received by their boss, but they did their job as directed. Some workplaces are just chronically understaffed. This makes for an unpleasant work environment for the employees: they're going to be dealing with annoyed customers, or they're going to be rushing around trying to get all of that extra work done. For this person, their construction boss decided to interfere with their normal dai…
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'The exec told me that the seal was fine': Construction boss insists on running broken cement mixer, gets humiliated and covered in dust

'The exec told me that the seal was fine': Construction boss insists on running broken cement mixer, gets humiliated and covered in dust

Leave it to an executive with no common sense to make a huge mess. As so often happens, this higher-up wanted to prove that they were the head boss in charge, and made everyone else's days a little worse for it. Our society would be nowhere without the folks who work in construction. Concrete is in just about every modern building, not to mention sidewalks and roads. Construction crews can make quick work out of this. In just a few hours, your company can go from having a broken slab of concret…
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‘Do my job, okay': Young worker uses forklift to move company reps car onto a stack of pallets after rep obstructs trucks access to loading dock

‘Do my job, okay': Young worker uses forklift to move company reps car onto a stack of pallets after rep obstructs trucks access to loading dock

People working on the loading dock know how frustrating it is when others show up and park their cars in a way that obstructs access to the trucks that are supposed to arrive. In this case, a young worker was working at a loading dock that was expecting a big load of tech and products for a new office layout, and they were beginning to get a lot of equipment. OP's boss informed them to keep the trucks coming and going as smoothly as possible. OP's job was to get the unloaded company pallets and…
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'The contractor calls my office saying this is going to cost $20,000 to fix': Construction consultant gets even with boss

'The contractor calls my office saying this is going to cost $20,000 to fix': Construction consultant gets even with demanding boss by agreeing to "shut up and do your job"

How much could one little mistake possibly cost? Quite a lot, as it turns out. Bosses love to hire people for their expertise. Then, once the employee has settled into the role, some bosses start getting into micromanagement mode. Instead of letting their employee do the literal job they're paying them to do, these managers would rather doubt their worker at every turn. Worse still, the supervisor at u/licdb's job doesn't trust her to do a specific type of construction consulting that is her ar…
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'I fired a guy for trying to drive a scissor lift down the stairs': 25+ Safety watchdogs who were caught off guard

'I fired a guy for trying to drive a scissor lift down the stairs': 25+ Safety watchdogs who were caught off guard by careless companies

Maybe safety measures seem like common knowledge to us, but lots of companies would rather save a few bucks and let their employees take on the risk. That's why there's OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which doles out punishments for workplaces that don't protect their workers. However, OSHA is very understaffed, and there's a lot that slips through the cracks. Have you ever seen videos of demolition workers who are trying to bring down a building by themselves? They wil…
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Shut the F*ck up get in the truck and do what you’re told! You got it. | Malicious compliance

'I jumped in my truck, called his boss, and went home': Jerk construction operator abuses wrong contractor, gets fired

There are times when you've gotten away with doing the wrong thing for so long you grow accustomed to getting away with it — like that u-turn you pull while dropping the kids off at school, speeding on your favorite route to work, chopping up kidnapped victims in your basement, or — in a different manner — those late nights playing GameBoy under the covers as a kid. Getting away with the action for an extended period of time doesn't change its moral, or legally grey, standing, in fact, it might…
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safety fails that violate OSHA rules

Misguided Safety Failures That OSHA Would Disapprove Of

Life is about risks, or something.
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wtf safety failures that OSHA wouldn't like | giant truck flipped on its back | person standing in a barrel hanging from a crane

Safety Failures That Would Have Osha Filling Its Pants

That doesn't go that way.
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safety video home improvement construction

Man Shows Dangerous Kickback Of Table Saw

Nerves of steel.
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Video of forklifts unloading a train, failing and tipping the car over.

Forklift Unloading Fail Results In Derailed Train

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escaping death

18 Riveting Close Calls Where People Escaped Death by Seconds

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safety failures

29 Safety Failures That Would Give OSHA Nightmares

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safety violations

16 Inspectors and Workers Share the Most Outrageous Safety Violations They've Ever Seen

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warning drugs safe construction equipment signs bees hazard snakes electricity safety Cats dangerous - 5776389

23 Signs That Are Too Scary for Their Own Good

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How Much Construction Equipment Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb?

Via theCHIVE
construction equipment parenting dad Video g rated win - 69498113

One Sweet Dad Made a Tiny Dozer for His Son

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