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'You want to escalate? Okay': Customer support insists they can help customer, customer wastes his own time trying to escalate the matter

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'AI should not replace human tasks': Opportunistic AI creators are making the internet worse

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20+ Exasperated tech savvy people share the most computer illiterate individuals they've ever encountered: 'Send both files in one email, so you don't have to pay twice'

'[I] had to show her multiple times how to open Excel': 20+ People who had no idea how to work a computer

'[I] had to show her multiple times how to open Excel': 20+ People who had no idea how to work a computer

'He claims [I] was "wasting two hours of everybody's time"': Manager won't speak to IT employee after being one-upped in front of clients

'He claims [I] was "wasting two hours of everybody's time"': Manager refuses to speak to IT employee after being embarrassed in front of clients

Start-up employee instructed to use 'RSI gizmos' that bother them: 'Otherwise you're wasting company money!'

Start-up employee instructed to use 'RSI gizmos' that hurt them: 'Otherwise you're wasting company money!'

'I get a text when my oven is finished preheating': 15+ Modern gadgets and gizmos that aren't actually very innovative

'I get a text when my oven is finished preheating': 15+ Modern gadgets and gizmos that aren't actually very innovative

'A week goes past and then the messages starts flooding in': System admin trains their own replacement, refuses to help company after being let go

'A week goes past and then the messages starts flooding in': System admin forced to train replacement, then refuses to help the company bullies after being let go

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'Too bad about those sales figures': Innovative employee improves buggy app, gets fired by bosses

'It is like every email is a poem': 25+ Computer-challenged coworkers who needed a helping hand

'It is like every email is a poem': 25+ Computer-challenged coworkers who needed a helping hand

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'They literally said "The stars weren't aligned" for that date': 20+ Clients who had workers laughing behind their backs

'[She] ends up deleting our only copy': Micromanager reassigned after randomly wiping IT department's tech devices

'[She] ends up deleting our only copy': Micromanager reassigned after randomly wiping IT department's tech devices

A coworker called me a s technician. I reported him to HR and got him fired.

'I reported him to HR and got him fired': Hardware tech accuses IT coworker of 'cheating the system'

Everybody must know when I am out of office.

'He is the laughing stock of everybody he ever respected': IT worker in charge of CEO's email triggers an email apocalypse

'Remote work is ending, come in Monday': Company demands workers return, ignores mixed reactions

'Remote work is ending, come in Monday': Company demands workers return, ignores mixed reactions

A Ridiculous Amount Of Funny Memes For The Worn Out Brains In Tech

A Ridiculous Amount Of Funny Memes For The Worn Out Brains In Tech

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