
'So petty and so childish': Coworker rips employee's name down from decorations and throws it in the trash, employee figures it out

'So petty and so childish': Coworker rips employee's name down from decorations and throws it in the trash, employee figures it out

‘Management finally caved in’: Management refuses to pay for loyal employee's car repairs until company goes down in flames, then employee quits

‘Management finally caved in’: Management refuses to pay for loyal employee's car repairs until company goes down in flames, then employee quits

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'I'm giving people 75-99% discounts': Retail employee saves customers $400+ on prescription glasses, getting payback against a manager who denied her a promotion

'Have fun being unemployed': New manager tries to take a cut of servers' tips, servers band together to get her fired

'Have fun being unemployed': New manager tries to take a cut of servers' tips, servers band together to get her fired

'You wouldn’t be working exactly, just helping': Boss invites employee to exclusive Christmas party, only to pressure her to work the event

'You wouldn’t be working exactly, just helping': Boss invites employee to exclusive Christmas party, only to pressure her to work the event

‘Good luck replacing me’: Senior machinist gets fired for 'doing his job too well', company ends up hiring 5 employees to replace him

‘Good luck replacing me’: Senior machinist gets fired for 'doing his job too well', company ends up hiring 5 employees to replace him

'DO NOT attempt to login': Employee told to wait for green light due to tech issues, never receives confirmation, gets paid to do nothing

'DO NOT attempt to login': Employee told to wait for green light due to tech issues, never receives confirmation, gets paid to do nothing

‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket': Data engineer earning below average is expected to do the work of 3 people, so he quits instead

‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket': Data engineer earning below average is expected to do the work of 3 people, so he quits instead

‘We are leaving’: Administration cripples company by denying employees raises, leading to mass resignation

‘We are leaving’: Administration cripples company by denying employees raises, leading to mass resignation

'It's not like I singled her out': Coworker keeps hogging the microwave, employee confronts her, gets in trouble with HR

'It's not like I singled her out': Coworker keeps hogging the microwave, employee confronts her, gets in trouble with HR

'I've gotten my pay reduced twice in four months': HR blindsides employee, moves him from salary to hourly rate, pays him less per hour

'Get everything in writing': HR blindsides employee, moves him from salary to hourly rate, pays him less per hour

'I'll get a doctor's note when you pay for doctors': Company changes sick day policy, employee gets shamed for calling in sick, forced to provide 'proof'

'I'll get a doctor's note when you pay for doctors': Company changes sick day policy, employee gets shamed for calling in sick, forced to provide 'proof'

'Stop crying and get back to work': Underpaid receptionist quits for a better job, learns 1.5 years later that her ex-boss still can't fill her position

'Stop crying and get back to work': Underpaid receptionist quits for a better job, learns 1.5 years later that her ex-boss still can't fill her position

'Childish? Yes. Regrets? Not one': Coworker keeps making employee do his work, employee lashes out, ruins coworker's office plant, sabotages his notes

'Childish? Yes. Regrets? Not one': Coworker keeps making employee do his work, employee lashes out, ruins coworker's office plant, sabotages his notes

'Good luck managing this sinking ship': Employee sends savage resignation email after CEO impulsively fires eight new people

'Good luck managing this sinking ship': Employee sends savage resignation email after CEO impulsively fires eight new people

'After this I want to quit': Employee request PTO to attend family funeral, boss asks for proof of the service

'After this I want to quit': Employee requests PTO to attend family funeral, boss asks for proof of the service