

'Team morale took an absolute nosedive': Company loses two largest clients after firing employee

'Team morale took an absolute nosedive': Company loses two largest clients after firing employee

If there is one thing worse than an annoying boss, it's an annoying coworker. This coworker in particular got promoted, presumably because they were related in some way or another to upper management. That wouldn't be so terrible if they had any work morale whatsoever. Ten years ago, OP was working in a company that did salary packaging. The service that the company offered was basically collecting mortgage statements, rental agreements, credit card bills etc., and then advising their clients'…
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'She lied to my face in front of management': Cutthroat employee snags 50% commission from coworker on massive car deal, coworker quits when management let her get away with it

'She lied to my face in front of management': Cutthroat employee snags 50% commission from coworker on massive car deal, coworker quits when management let her get away with it

Employees working in sales commissions will tell you that the environment is pretty intense, and with good reason; you often come across workers who will do anything to get ahead. Such as this employee, who noticed that a relatively new coworker of hers was about to close a massive sale, and swooped right in to grab the customer for herself. The coworker in question, OP, caught her red-handed, and immediately told her as nicely as he could, to back off. She assured him, as snakes often do, that…
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