
comedy central

Redditors spill the beans on the most hilarious hasty transitions from employment to unemployment

Redditors spill the beans on the most hilarious hasty transitions from employment to unemployment

Getting hired is one thing, but holding onto the position is quite another. Essentially, the hiring manager uses the data you supply and references from reputable companies to showcase your qualifications and elevate you during the interview process. But now that you have the job you've been wanting, it is up to you to demonstrate your suitability and back up your application. Having said that, I came across a captivating post on Reddit while scrolling through the feed that drew my attention ri…
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Redditors share hilariously absurd reasons people flipped out on them over the years: 'Apparently, I breathe too loudly...'

Redditors share hilariously absurd reasons people flipped out on them over the years: 'Apparently, I breathe too loudly...'

For better or worse, we are frequently left utterly shocked and dumbfounded by other individuals. Even while the immediate reaction to the shock might be one of terror, if you've had some time to collect yourself, consider what took place, and fully comprehend the situation, you should be able to savor the enjoyment of the unexpected. Ultimately, these seemingly trivial occurrences are what keeps us upright and add flavor to our daily lives. ‘What is the ridiculous reason someone got mad at you…
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 ‘Get off your high horse’: Condescending teen claims to be better than the hardworking door-to-door salespeople, employee teaches young teen a lesson in humility

‘Get off your high horse’: Condescending teen claims to be better than the hardworking door-to-door salespeople, employee teaches young teen a lesson in humility

While not all occupations are ideal, they enable you to pay your bills and make ends meet, therefore we should never criticize someone based solely on their line of work. Most likely, every diligent person strives to support both themselves and their family. So, how would you respond if a young, entitled employee willingly showed up for work and declared that the job was not worth his time and effort? The story that follows is the tale of a grumpy yet diligent worker. An arrogant adolescent who…
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'You made your bed...': Company sends random dude a client's information via email, dude responds by clicking 'cancel' on important appointment

'You made your bed...': Company sends random dude a client's information via email, dude responds by clicking 'cancel' on important appointment

Social media sites and communication apps are readily accessible. Oftentimes it feels impossible to keep up with them all. You may feel at times that you are unable to keep up with them all. Therefore, you might occasionally need to compartmentalize and determine what is more important and what can wait till later in order to be informed and not miss any important information. But in addition to the countless texts and emails you receive daily, what would happen if you started receiving dozens…
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'Sleep well, dude': Man leaves loud neighbor with parting gift after long standing neighborly dispute

'Sleep well, dude': Man leaves loud neighbor with parting gift after long standing neighborly dispute

Your neighbors are your closest allies. They can assist with receiving packages, impart insightful information about the surrounding area, keep a watchful eye on your home, and much more. However, should misfortune find you and you are forced to live next door to a horrible person who has been a headache since the minute she arrived, do you participate in her little game of torment or do you cave into all of her absurd requests in an attempt to keep things at bay? The Original Poster (OP) recen…
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'I'm done with you!': Truck driver drags micromanager to upper management after complying with her demands to 'follow company policy' goes wrong

'I'm done with you!': Truck driver drags micromanager to upper management after complying with her demands to 'follow company policy' goes wrong

With great power comes great responsibilities. Sometimes, very ‘rarely’, people in positions of power might get blinded by their power and turn it against you, thereby reducing your chances of success. The account of an irritated truck driver is told in the story that follows. The Original Poster (OP) is employed by a freight transportation company and operates a semi-truck. OP distributes between ten and fifteen deliveries per day. Throughout the delivery process, it is anticipated that OP wil…
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'Devoted' graphic designer refuses to take accountability for botched project, declaring: 'It's the customers who are at fault, not the design'

'Devoted' graphic designer refuses to take accountability for botched project, declaring: 'It's the customers who are at fault, not the design'

Working in graphic design means paying close attention to numerous small elements that come together to form a polished result. The manager in the story below is in complete shock. As a BigCo, OP is in charge of a few dozen agents. For quite some time, OP had been in need of a skilled graphic designer; therefore, when an opportunity arose and a qualified candidate was found, OP quickly hired her. As a modest thank you for joining the company, OP provided the new graphic designer with access to…
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'Face it, you lost': Chief navigator's new phone policy on sea vessel backfires after one soldier plays the system, resulting in crew losing access to outside communication

'Face it, you lost': Chief navigator's new phone policy on sea vessel backfires after one soldier plays the system, resulting in crew losing access to outside communication

When a new team member joins, particularly if they are assigned a leadership position, they will probably try to introduce some sort of new and, in their view, creative rule that will simplify the assigned tasks and improve the overall efficiency and productivity of the daily routine. The soldier in the story below, together with his fellow crew members, have discovered the most effective way to get revenge on their superiors. OP serves in the Navy as a member of the attack submarine unit. They…
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'You reap what you sow': Resident trashes neighbor's garden, neighbor returns the favor with an upgrade, planting bamboo to overrun their property

'You reap what you sow': Resident trashes neighbor's garden, neighbor returns the favor with an upgrade, planting bamboo to overrun their property

We look forward to the time when we can afford to live alone. At last, we have space, privacy, and a plethora of other wonderful amenities that we wouldn't have believed possible in our twenties. But as we usually emphasize here, maintaining a cordial relationship with your neighbors is crucial. Lousy neighbors have the power to either make or break an apartment complex experience. However, what would happen if your neighbor considered your garden to be their own private dump? Is it possible to…
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‘You’ve made your bed so lie in it’: Art student gets even with teacher after being picked on for 6 months, her entire class gets rearranged

‘You’ve made your bed so lie in it’: Art student gets even with teacher after being picked on for 6 months, her entire class gets rearranged

There will always be those who believe we are gifted and capable of achieving success in life, and there will always be others who think we will never amount to anything worthwhile. The secret to success is to never give up and to never allow someone to bring you down. The story that follows is from a frustrated student. OP has been studying to teach art. As part of his training, he must work as an assistant to a senior faculty art teacher for six months. Although OP was ecstatic to have the op…
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'It took them over 12 years to do what I requested': Bank declines customer's request to close account over $0.51 in remaining funds

'It took them over 12 years to do what I requested': Bank declines customer's request to close account over $0.51 in remaining funds

It's funny how, as kids, we think that adults are the best at everything. They are free to do as they please, whenever they please, and with whoever they like. They are free to live their lives as they see fit with no one directing them what to do or how to do it. However, that is completely untrue. It's fascinating to notice that, no matter how passionately we remember and want it, that innocent feeling of freedom we so vividly recall from childhood has faded and disappeared and is unlikely ev…
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