
college fund

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Single Mom Gives $2,000/per Semester to Her Spoiled Daughter's College Tuition, Girl Complains ‘[Mom] Should Be Paying More’

College is expensive, yet it's widely believed that to be a successful (employed) adult, you need a degree. As if a little piece of paper with fancy script and the name of the overpriced university you attended is going to prove that you're responsible. In our next story, one college girl proves that there are a lot of life lessons and privileges that are completely ignored during your college years– especially if you're an entitled brat.
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'Say goodbye to [your] college fund': Teenager deliberately disobeys her father, stealing $10,000 for a vacation; dad revokes her college fund

Parents with the means and foresight to set aside some money for their kiddo's education deserve a gold star in parenting. Although college funds almost never go as planned, the idea of a bank account full of cash that's devoted to your child's future well-being is a novel concept. However, entitled children who don't really know the meaning of their parent's sacrifices tend to look at their college account like it's a vault full of happy hour drinks and flashy festival outfits.
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'iT's OuR mOnEy': Hardworking daughter gets her college fund robbed after graduation when her parents surprise her with a baby brother and revoke half of her college savings

Wrestling student debt after you graduate college is a lot like taking on a polar bear in a 1v1, mano-a-mano fist fight. The odds are certainly against you and even if you manage to beat the bear, you'll likely freeze out in the cold arctic tundra afterwards. You may have hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans that you owe the Feds, but at least you took home a piece of paper that says that you know how to shotgun a beer before writing a 10 page research paper on gender studies.
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AITA: 'UNFAIR': Wealthy father stops bankrolling the college fund of his frivolous son, favoring his financially responsible daughter instead

AITA: 'UNFAIR': Wealthy father stops bankrolling the college fund of his frivolous son, favoring his financially responsible daughter instead

If you've ever heard the tale of the prodigal son, you know that father's love their children no matter how financially irresponsible they are, but in reality, how far does that love go? Now, when you come from a rich family, that love is (unfortunately) quantifiable in the form of crisp dolla dolla bills. For some reason, rich children feel that they're entitled to the entirety of their parent's fortunes and don't ever realize the value.
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