

'What was his plan?!': Coffee shop customer defends daughter against theft accusation, cameras prove his involvement

'What was his plan?!': Coffee shop customer defends daughter against theft accusation, cameras prove his involvement

Customers want to think they're always right, but cashiers and retail workers know the truth. A lot of the time, the customer is just wrong. And nobody wants to be confronted with the fact that they've just thrown a petty fit over a minor issue , only to be proven totally wrong. Throwing a tantrum rarely solves your problems if you're older than five years old. When adults do it, it's majorly embarrassing. It gives us second-hand cringe to watch people get red in the face over minor issues, lik…
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'Wanna yell at teenagers? Meet my mom': Mother scolds coffee shop manager bullying her 16-year-old

'Wanna yell at teenagers? Meet my mom': Mother scolds coffee shop manager bullying her 16-year-old

If you mess with a mom and her kid , you're in for a bad time. U/nalarosette learned that firsthand at her coffee shop job. At the age of 16, this person was working with another teenager and their older manager, and you can tell the manager liked to take advantage of the teenagers' naivete. This seems to be endemic at a lot of fast-food and retail chains. They hire the youngest kids who have never had a job before, meaning they don't know when to stand up for themselves or when to just do as t…
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'As I handed her the coffee I told her I quit': Manager demands that employee makes her coffee at the end of every shift, employee finally snaps

'As I handed her the coffee I told her I quit': Manager demands that employee makes her coffee at the end of every shift, employee finally snaps

Some managers make such ridiculous demands that one has to wonder if they are trying to make their employees quit. Sometimes, that is the case, and other times, it's just that these managers have egos and enjoy engaging in power dynamics. If this description fits your manager, our advice would be to get out while you still can. Here, we have a barista whose manager would insist on having a coffee made for her at the end of every shift after everything in the store had been cleaned up and finish…
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'I saw red, but then I had an idea': Woman engineer punishes her coworkers by agreeing to "get coffee" for them

'I saw red, but then I had an idea': Woman engineer punishes her coworkers by agreeing to "get coffee" for them

If you do something badly enough , you might not get asked to do it again. In the workplace, you've got to do this strategically. You want to mess up some basic chores in order to get out of them, but you also don't want to be viewed as being bad at your job. This is common in many workplaces. Even though we all do dishes every day, in the office, everyone conveniently “forgets” how to load the dishwasher. Other people will pretend they can't figure out how to work the printer, and someone else…
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'None of my managers rules apply to her': Barista irritated by manager's double standards towards customers' orders

'None of my manager's rules apply to her': Barista irritated by manager's double standards towards customers' orders

One barista is confused and annoyed by the rules their manager is making up. They took to r/mildlyinfuriating to share the story. But commenters informed them that they might be looking at things all wrong. Their issue revolves around making custom drinks for the patrons of their coffee shop. Some chains embrace the custom drink trend, including all of the Tiktok drinks with names like “Snickerdoodle Cinnamon Chocolate Chai Latte”
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workplace discussion tips workplace-stories jobs job barista customers tipping underpaid tip jar coffee employment in the workplace - 25225989

'It's a symptom of a wider problem but it's still theft': Barista secretly adds tip on card reader after customer declines receipt, customer conflicted

Tipping culture has become a topic of discussion lately, as a lot of companies now offer tipping options on their card readers, even if they did not previously participate in tipping. Tipping used to be reserved for workers such as servers, but now it seems like any corporation can request a tip. Some customers find it ridiculous, while others participate in tipping because they sympathize with the low wages many people in the service industry face. However, what if an employee added a tip to y…
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'Business owner doesn't know math': Coffee shop owner bans cakes, loses money

'Business owner doesn't know math': Coffee shop owner bans cakes, loses money

One business owner is getting fleeced, and she doesn't even realize it. Local coffee shops are a great place to get some work done on your laptop, meet up with friends to talk, or grab a quick bite to eat. While some locations only carry coffee and tea , a lot of them carry food products---and they aren't afraid to mark up prices quite a bit. The new owner of one coffee shop is still trying to figure out her profit margins. The owner of the baked goods shop she's buying from noticed that she's…
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'They want to paint me out to be the bad guy': Coffee shop "hyped up" new barista, then fires them via text

'They want to paint me out to be the bad guy': Coffee shop "hyped up" new barista, then fires them via text

This (former) coffee shop worker has had a confusing week as they switch jobs. It really shouldn't have been that difficult for them, but as they described it, their new bosses suddenly decided they “don't need you anymore.”
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coffee shop coworkers dining bosses boss coffee job jobs food service work workplace workplace-stories barista - 24355333

'I was still surprised not to see my pay bump': Young barista gets cafe shut down after learning their work was underpaying them

The owner of this coffee shop is in for a surprise. They somehow decided to run a business without doing some pretty basic research on how to pay their employees. As a teenager, getting your first job can be a joy. You suddenly have some walking-around money, or driving-around money, since you now have enough cash to fill your tank and drive your friends around. It might only be a few hundred dollars per month, but since you're working for the first time, you don't know any better. Many states…
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'You could tell he was annoyed': Barista's response to customer divides the internet

'You could tell he was annoyed': Barista's response to customer divides the internet

One barista had to work a shift alone , and the pressure was high. Working solo means you have to do a bunch of different tasks all at once, while a crowd of customers glares at you for not making their food and drinks quickly enough. It's the type of situation that food service workers hope to never be in, but it happens all too often thanks to call-outs. This barista told their story of what happened when they encountered a customer who they thought was being impolite . Plus, this was the typ…
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'Have fun running the place without me': Coffee shop owner tells manager working 100 hours per week to take time off, manager blocks all work numbers and lets the business fall apart while they're gone

'Have fun running the place without me': Coffee shop owner tells manager working 100 hours per week to take time off, manager blocks all work numbers and lets the business fall apart while they're gone

The relief of taking two whole weeks off, after working 100 hour weeks , must be incredible. Humans aren't designed to work that much. Yet there are numerous career fields that require 16-hour days and working straight through the weekends. Doctors, nurses, and lawyers are among the groups of employees who tirelessly devote themselves to their jobs. But running on caffeine and energy bars isn't enough to keep a person going in the long run. This person shared their own story of when they worked…
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'But you’re advertising it': Customer requests holiday drink from coffee shop, barista refuses to make it because 'it's after Christmas'

'But you’re advertising it': Customer requests holiday drink from coffee shop, barista refuses to make it because 'it's after Christmas'

It must be difficult to be a barista if you don't like to make coffee. Or to be clear, it seems like some baristas look down on anyone who doesn't like their coffee black. They seemingly have a personal vendetta against the vast majority of coffee drinks who don't want their bean juice to be bitter and scalding. Lots of people love frappes or lattes or any number of blended coffee drinks, and this love is fueled by social media “secret menu” hacks. When social media was in its younger years, a…
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coffee shop instant karma tantrum Starbucks mobile order coffee karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 22517765

'You don't get to just waltz in here and take that. I don't care if it is your drink': Entitled Karen throws a tantrum over a mobile coffee order, tries to make customer wait in line

If you enjoy reading stories about entitled people who think the world revolves around them, then you're going to want to stick around for this story. So, a woman goes to pick up her Starbucks coffee after ordering through the app, only to be forcefully confronted by a Karen who gets infuriated when she sees that people who ordered online get their drinks before her.
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'Really? It's stuck at the bottom of the cup': Woman requests free drink after pouring hot cappucino out in front of employee

'Really? It's stuck at the bottom of the cup': Woman attempts to shame employee by pouring hot cappucino out in front of him

How bad would your drink have to taste before you start pouring it out on the ground ? This woman did just that, in a video she filmed herself, after getting a drink she disliked at a local coffee chain. Some coffee chains are woefully inept at making a drink. I stopped going to a local Dunkin because my order is just cold brew with cream, with light ice. Those are just three ingredients, and yet I never get quite what I've asked for. Sometimes they give me extra ice (are they spiteful of my li…
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'I demanded an apology': Local barista gets back at an insolent customer by serving him and his coworkers decaf until he makes a public apology; it took 3 days

Don't bite the hand that feeds you. For folks who work late night shifts, it's more important to remember the mantra, 'don't bite the hand that caffeinates you!' When you have a good rapport with your local barista, good things can happen. When you make an enemy out of your coffee server… You're gonna have a bad time.
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reddit reddit-story reddit-thread barista coffee customer-service service-industry shoes retail karen karens karens-in-the-wild drama tirade revenge petty payback

'Eye for an eye': Barista fights fire with fire when a customer throws her ‘incorrect’ coffee on the ground, finding the Karen at work and making a mess in her department as payback

Two can play this game.
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