

‘You pay for what you don’t fix': Landlord refuses to fix mold infestation for college student, leading to $50,000 in fines due to discounting code enforcement citations

‘You pay for what you don’t fix': Landlord refuses to fix mold infestation for college student, leading to $50,000 in fines due to discounting code enforcement citations

Your landlord either constantly pesters you, or you see them once a year when they come to collect the checks; there is no in-between. This landlord in particular was renting out a room to OP (who was in college at the time) among a few others, which happened to be in a wooden house. I'm purposely describing the material of said house, as it becomes an important factor later in the story. Now, when OP initially toured the house, she didn't find anything out of the ordinary. After OP moved in th…
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