

'My teacher asked me to order 60 cans of peas… I typed 6000': 25+ Chefs tell all about the biggest mistakes they ever made while cooking for customers

'My teacher asked me to order 60 cans of peas… I typed 6000': 25+ Chefs share the biggest, funniest mistakes they ever made while cooking for customers

If you mistake salt for sugar in your recipe, it's no big deal. But if a chef does it while making a five gallon soup recipe, there's going to be some problems! Help yourself to a serving of these funny stories from chefs who were humbled by their own kitchen mishaps. We're all human, we all make mistakes every now and again. There are just some jobs where this is more acceptable than others. For example, if you're a FailBlog writer, it's okay if you make a mistake or three. Now, if you're an o…
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'I'll never forget the guy who asked for his steak "dry"': 20+ Chefs and waiters tell all about odd dishes their customers ordered

'I'll never forget the guy who asked for his steak "dry"': 20+ Chefs and waiters share the most ridiculous dishes their customers ever ordered

Who actually orders food like this? In a prompt to r/AskReddit, u/Graceful_Swan_Ronson asked waitstaff about the most ridiculous things their customers have ever wanted to eat. The resulting answers are hilarious and strange — and some are even a little bit wholesome. I have a few friends who order weirdly at restaurants, and dining with them is a delight. Sometimes I'll order a burger and fries, while my friend orders a slice of ham, a fruit smoothie, and a bowl of tater tots. It's like food r…
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'Don't tell me that is mashed potatoes': 20 Amateur chefs who cooked with creativity

'Don't tell me that is mashed potatoes': 20 Amateur chefs who cooked with creativity

Recipes are great for some, but some chefs prefer to freestyle their meals. I'm fully on team recipe, mainly because when I try to cook without one, my dish turns out just awful . I trust the random cooks of the internet when I make my meals — mostly because I actually had a physical cookbook, and everything I made with it turned out wrong. This cookbook had me making soggy and inedible french toast, and another time, it steered me into making the most watery pancakes I've ever witnessed. They…
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'Effective immediately': Employee gets fired on the spot after giving notice to their restaurant job

'Effective immediately': Employee gets fired on the spot after giving notice to their restaurant job

Giving notice to a job is the right thing to do—when you have the right employer. Like any relationship, the working relationship is built on trust, and a strong relationship that is filled with goodwill should always be honored. But when you know that the person employing you is prone to petty fits of rage—which often include firing people on the spot with no prior warning—maybe it's best not to let this person know that you plan on leaving their business in the next few weeks. After all, they…
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'He delivered': Dudes request ultra-spicy wings, chef gives them their wish

Taunting a chef to make your food as hot as humanly possible is always going to end the same way… and at the end of the day, you literally asked for it. Sure, you might have underestimated just how spicy it could be, but the limits of your imagination are not the chef's responsibility. But that's part of the draw for people who desire diabolically hot dishes. Mopping your brow constantly with a napkin while trying to smother the flames bursting from inside your mouth is some people's idea of a…
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pro revenge karens entitled parents revenge karen-customer customers chef chefs service entitled karen entitled people service industry karen-stories entitled-people-stories - 20278021

'Maybe not too much for you.' Hibachi chef and family team up to defeat an unruly Karen

If you read the original poster's title as ‘Hitachi Fun’ instead of ‘Hibachi Fun,’ like me, you were expecting a very different thread.
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'We got an online order for... almost 500 tortillas': 30 Chefs share the hilarity going on behind the scenes in restaurant kitchens

'We got an online order for... almost 500 tortillas': 30 Chefs share the hilarity going on behind the scenes in restaurant kitchens

From funny customer meal requests to the list of unacceptable kitchen music, these chefs are sharing the wackiest antics going on in the back of house . On the subreddit r/KitchenConfidential, chefs, dish washers , and other back of house restaurant workers gather to share memes and talk about their workplaces. We've gathered some of the funniest and most popular posts so you can get a peek into the daily life of a chef. My favorite of these memes and photos is the guy who ordered 150 pounds of…
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No one ever makes it hot enough? Ok then, you asked for it!

'He struggled. He struggled hard': Boastful braggart requests chef's hottest dish and lives to regret it

People really will just pick the most random thing and build their personality around it; it's as if they just spun a wheel of haphazardly selected topics and went with the first thing it landed on. Enter I-can-eat-hotter-foods-than-you guy; everyone knows this guy, and chances are he's one of your friends or a friend of a friend and—well… is kinda known for being a boastful egomaniac. Somehow, at some point, he decided to base his fragile ego around the spice levels of food, and now he's going…
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