

Scorned deli employee gets revenge on boss by outing his cheating habits to his wife: 'She looked at him. Looked at me. And couldn't say a word'

Scorned deli employee gets revenge on boss by outing his cheating habits to his wife: 'She looked at him. Looked at me. And couldn't say a word'

This person realized that it's never too late to get petty with a bad boss. In fact, sometimes waiting to reveal your hand can make things worse for that person! Up next, these people explained what it's like to be around their out-of-touch wealthy friends, like one woman who encouraged a commercial flight to hurry up by telling another passenger, “ Go have a word with the captain … Tell him who you are.”
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'Just when I thought the saga was over…': Professional cleaner records the moment client's wife busts into the house and accuses her of being the mistress, husband ends up apologizing later

'Just when I thought the saga was over…': Professional cleaner records the moment client's wife busts into the house and accuses her of being the mistress, husband ends up apologizing later

‘And I have to go back today…’: Professional cleaning lady records the moment client's wife busts into the house and accuses her of being his mistress, husband ends up apologizing later
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‘Your new squeeze Darren can pay [the bills] now’: Meal-ticket boyfriend gets the ultimate payback on a cheating ex, leaving her with 3 months of unpaid bills

Financial parasites can hunt for prey in a lot of ways, but the easiest targets are always the ones with generous spirits and a bleeding heart. While not everyone is wary of their romantic suitors in this department (especially if you're not particularly wealthy), disillusion doesn't mean that you're safe from a parasitic girlfriend or boyfriend.
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ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, cheating, cheater-caught, cheating-story, relationship-fail, relationship-problems, dump-him, breaking-up

'[I] gave him a ”good boy” and walked out': Boyfriend has affair with the cleaning lady, girlfriend finds out and enlists the dog in her petty revenge plot

Sometimes it's the little things that leave a big mark. In this case, it was a puppy just doing puppy things. It just so happened, that this particular puppy thing really came through for his recently heartbroken human mom. This Redditor starts her journey with a breakup. She and her boyfriend had been living together, but then after the boyfriend's red flags kept becoming more and more glaringly obvious, she knew the relationship was coming to an end. It was officially over when she found out…
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'Now that's how to deal with a cheating husband': Call center worker gets the 'best call ever' from wife of cheater

'Now that's how to deal with a cheating husband': Call center worker gets the 'best call ever' from infuriated wife

It must take a lot for a call center rep to call a conversation their “best call ever.” These call center workers deal with cranky customers all day long, 40 hours per week, and that's basically their entire job.
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'Ex-wife told me to remove all my stuff from her storage unit. So I did': Guy takes washer, dryer, and car from cheating ex after she demands they take all their belongings out of storage

'Ex-wife told me to remove all my stuff from her storage unit. So I did': Guy takes washer, dryer, and car from cheating ex after she demands they take all their belongings out of storage

Breakups are the worst —just ask this person. Falling in love is magical, that's why it's called the honeymoon phase. Couples get to know each other and discover endless things to love about each other. The honeymoon phase doesn't last forever, though. Life goes on and things get complicated and the next thing you know, the relationship is on the rocks. Not every romance is meant to last forever---some only last for a few seasons. This guy also had the unfortunate revelation that his wife was c…
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pro revenge cheaters petty-revenge-reddit affair revenge revenge-stories petty revenge relationships cheating cheater revenge-stories-reddit relationship drama hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor - 22910725

'Another woman exposed her affair with the husband': Online neighborhood argument accidentally exposes terrible neighbor's affair

Sometimes, your petty actions go much further than you had originally intended, and without realizing it, you're pulling on a thread that will continue to unravel, causing a cascading effect that knocks over the first domino in a chain that "Rube Goldbergs" into a house of cards and sends the whole thing crashing down. Well, it turns out that when you accuse your terrible neighbor of being a serial cheater, sending anonymous messages pretending to be his mistress, that might be pretty upsetting…
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'She went first... and I went home': Guy breaks up with a cheating girlfriend moments after she got his initials tattooed

The only names you should ever have permanently tattooed on your body are the names of your kids, your parents, and your deity– those things are never changing. However, a boyfriend or girlfriend's name permanently etched into your shoulder can prove to be a little riskier. You may think that'll you'll be in love forever, but that tattoo is a heckuvalot more permanent than most relationships.
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'She cheated and... blamed the great American eclipse of August 2017': 25 People with excuses for acting out

'She cheated and... blamed the great American eclipse of August 2017': 25 Cheaters with absurd excuses for acting out

Cheating on your partner is a serious offense to most, but these people took it in stride.
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man turns his life around and in doing so gets revenge on cheating ex

'Definitely hire him’: Dude thrives after hiring his ex's lover as his replacement for his old dead-end job

Sometimes the best revenge is therapy. Seriously, therapy gets down to the nitty gritty of why that horrible situation happened to you and why it feels so extra horrible. Once you figure that out, it's only up from there! Take this recent Reddit story, for example . This man was living his worst life. He was in a toxic relationship, he hated his job, and his apartment was falling apart. Things really hit the fan when he discovered his girlfriend was cheating on him. He tried to fight for the re…
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underpaid pay payment payback justice babysitter affair wife husband drama cheating cheater kids parenting children teenagers neighborhood entitled

'She tells me I will not be getting paid for dressing [sleazy]': Entitled wife accuses 13-year-old babysitter of attempting to seduce her husband, threatens not to pay her

Some girls are early bloomers. For some, they embrace their femininity and roll with it, while others are doomed and condemned for being a curvy pre-teen. Early bloomers are fast-tracked to learn about life, and competition, pretty early, especially when it comes to older, insecure women.
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hoa neighbors Legal Woes marriage neighborhood ex neighborhood-drama marriage-drama cheater Bad Neighbor home owner - 19949317

'What the HOA did was blatant fraud': Ex-wife vindictively signs dude's house up to neighborhood HOA, he sues them both

Homeowner associations are notorious for their tyrannical enforcement of bizarre policies that were drafted by a collection of the worst sort of neighbors who have nothing better to do but worry about what other people are doing. This story was initially posted by u/SpurredOneLastTime (OP) to the r/entitledpeople subreddit and then crossposted by a fascinated reader to the r/f***HOA subreddit community. The OP tells the tale of his ex-wife's final act of retribution that saw him embroiled in le…
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terrible coworkers work-story workplace-stories revenge coworkers nuclear revenge petty revenge Horrible Bosses cheating cheater - 19542789

'A complete garbage person': Boss fires worker for stupid reason, worker ruins their marriage by revealing their affair with a coworker

An employee got ruthless revenge on their terrible boss when they ran into him in a bar, quickly bringing a certain end to the boss's marriage after revealing a long-standing affair that the boss had been having with a coworker. Redditor and dejected employee u/NALORpod, posted this story to the r/pettyrevenge subreddit. The account details a series of events at his old workplace under his terrible boss. u/NALORpod worked as a meatpacker… while his boss was busy packing his meat with the recept…
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Wife holds her ground and calls out cheating husband who has been unfaithful to her with a mutual friend which she found out by hacking his Instagram account, Internet applauds her

'My gut told me to turn into Harriet the Spy...': Wife Suspects Husband's Cheating on Her With Mutual Friend, Pretends to Be Him on Social Media and Gets the Other Woman to Spill the Tea

If you have ever been put in the horrible position where you suspect that your “loving” partner is cheating in you, then you know there is no other gut-wrenching feeling like it. Maybe you see their phone lighting up with messages late at night. Or you get a friend saying they say your partner out with someone else at a random time of the day that you didn't know about. Or you simply see someone liking too many of their social media posts. That feeling of your heart dropping into your stomach i…
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AITA for giving my ex wife a large amount of money I won despite the anger of my gf?

'Next time you win the lottery, call your *current* girlfriend first': Lottery winner asks 'AITA?' for calling his ex-wife upon winning millions

If you won millions in the lotto, what's the first thing you would do? For many of us, our first instinct would be to call our immediate family and best friends to share the news! But this guy called his ex-wife right after his parents — and his actual current GF is steaming mad about it! Not only did this guy called his ex first , he offered her some of the money. While some people in the comments immediately began to question his motives, he makes it pretty clear: he had kids with his ex . He…
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'Well he didn't cheat on ME' : Selfish Daughter Denies Her Mother Empathy When Her Dad’s Cheating Gets Another Woman Pregnant, Leading To Family Drama and No Contact

'Well he didn't cheat on ME' : Selfish Daughter Denies Her Mother Empathy When Her Dad’s Cheating Gets Another Woman Pregnant, Leading To Family Drama and No Contact

One might think that when one of your parents gets cheated on by the other, resulting in a soon-to-be new brother or sister, you might not exactly be over the moon. At the very least, you might think that one would carry some empathy for the parent who was suffering, not the one who lied about their infidelity and then oops, got another woman pregnant. Sigh… I don't know if it's a generational thing, or if we were just as self-centered back in the day, but this is unacceptable behavior and says…
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