

Fails. messes, mistakes and chaos | spilled white paint bucket that splashed all over a black car | multiple bird footprints tracks in fresh concrete

Misfortune Monday: All Kinds of Bummers

Taste the many flavors of chaos.
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Stories of when a dad told someone "don't tell your mother." | checkoutmyaasb 19.9k points 17 hours ago Dad and used rent movie each week mum had dinner with friends. Usually things like star trek or action films. One day about 11) he came home with Blade got about 10 minutes and he turns and said "don't tell mother about this, let's just say forgot get this week course agree. Fast forward 7ish years, dad blithely drops at dinner table fact watched blade about 11. Silly dad thought there some ki

Wholesome and Chaotic "Don't Tell Your Mother" Moments

"Alright, be cool."
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moments of chaos, failure and misfortune | entire chunk of grass and dirt including a grown tree pulled out from the ground | car half sunk inside a giant hole in the road

Misfortune Monday: Unforeseen Chaos

Things can go awry in ways you wouldn't expect.
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Unlucky mishaps, mistakes and messes | person on the phone standing next to bicycle that completely dented a car while remaining undamaged | engraved pen that reads PLEASE USE UPLOADED LOGO

Monday Misfortune: Mistakes and Messes

There's a time and place for "oops."
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moments of failure and chaos | funny fail pics taken at the right moment perfect timing bird goose flying over jumping on top of a person golfer crashing to the ground

Various Moments of Misfortune and Chaos

From "oh boy" to "oh man."
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Chaos, fails, mistakes and messes | accidentally sawing through a measuring tape | Ryder truck broken crushed semi trailer

Misfortune Monday: Messes Large and Small

Every screw-up has its time to shine.
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Chaos, mistakes and failures | man coming down a staircase to find a deep hole being dug at the bottom | cat being held by its scruff covered in Styrofoam balls

Monday Misfortune: Refreshingly Unconventional Mishaps

Weird mistakes are still happening.
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A collection of funny tweets to distract people from the chaos in our world | Kristen Arnett @Kristen_Arnett 1d this morning at 7-eleven saw lizard next coffee maker and cashier said "no worries 's just marvin, he likes smell" 290 27 34.4K 194K 7-Eleven O @7eleven 48m ELVEN Oh no! Can DM us with store location visited so can check on Marvin? Thank 27 16 3 86 Kristen Arnett @Kristen_Arnett Replying 7eleven no way not gonna narc on my buddy | Grace Segers O @Grace_Segers writing an email using an

Funny Tweets To Cleanse The Stressed Mind

Step outside the stress bubble for a bit.
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Funny, wtf and weird chaos, misfortune and fails | trash bin overflowing with unbaked raw dough | car stuck in a big road pothole with its back end sticking in the air

Misfortune Monday: Strange and Specific Mishaps

Like when you forget that dough also rises in a dumpster.
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Chaos, mistakes and moments of things going wrong | snowy hills and marks in the snow that suggest a person skiing crashed and then walked the rest of the way by foot | car completely smashed by tree trunks

Misfortune and Chaos that Derailed People's Days

It's around every corner.
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Failure, chaos, misfortune | car completely engulfed by flames letting out a black cloud of smoke parked in a street. ice maker that filled the entire fridge with ice cubes.

Misfortune Monday: Make The Day Seem Slightly Better

Here's some chaos to put things in perspective.
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Unlucky moments of chaos, fails and messes | hide the pain harold standing next to a car with a clamp on its wheels. person's legs hanging from a crumbling hole in the ceiling.

Unfortunate Moments When Failure and Chaos Reigned

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unfortunate moments of chaos | stringy remnants of something that completely melted in a oven. train tracks completely covered by corn kernels.

Moments of Chaos, Misfortune and Failure

Mistakes were made.
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Fails, mistakes and messes | vehicle almost entirely sunk in mud with just the cabin visible, a completely shattered glass table in a meeting room surrounded by chairs

Unlucky Times Misfortune Gave People Trouble

Things will break, explode and fail.
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Moments of chaos, mistakes, fails and unfortunate errors.

Unfortunate Failures and Moments of Chaos

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Unfortunate moments of failures, messes and mistakes.

Unfortunate Moments That Added Chaos to People's Lives

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