

Just sit your keister down in that chair right there and harken: chairs sometimes don't leave you a leg to lean on. But if you get smacked by a  person in a wheelchair, you could call it a hit but can't run. So if you're into chairs and literally anything having to do with them. Just remember, you'll never be as good as Steven Hawking at musical chairs.

You Used My Packing Tape!

chair Image passed out tape - 4455526400

Classic: You Think Your Work Sucks?

chair fat Image work - 4660947968
Created by Snake73

What A Chairhead

chair drunk Image outdoors passed out stacking - 4556071424
Created by acetriple999

Flood Prevention System

chair flood holding it up Image river water wtf - 4630876672
Created by Unknown


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Pro-Tip: Never Pass Out In A Chair With No Back

chair drunk Image outdoors passed out table - 4621079552
Created by Wegas

Cardboard Office

cardboard chair cubicle desk funny Image Office prank - 4620919552
Created by Unknown

Whatever You Do, Don't Wake Up

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Created by Antoine Van Audenrode

Yeah Have A Seat Please

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I Love You Couch!

chair couch drunk Image passed out underwear - 4522540544
Created by Unknown

Who Needs A Tent?

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Created by Unknown

She Has No Head!!!

chair couple Image outside passed out - 4330456832
Created by Unknown

Even The Laid Back Ones Work Their Share

chair holding it up Image kitchen kludge - 4368987136

I'm not Drunk, My Chair Broke

bbq chair Image passed out - 4335594752
Created by ROBERT0900

Just Chillaxin

chair construction Image wheelbarrow - 4306188032
Created by Unknown

Something's Not Right Here

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Created by MrCid78

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