
caught red-handed

Grown nephew gets caught red-handed trying to scam his uncle out of $800 because: ‘He stopped giving me birthday presents after I turned 18, so I figured he owed me,’ doesn't see a dime

Grown nephew gets caught red-handed trying to scam his uncle out of $800 because: ‘He stopped giving me birthday presents after I turned 18, so I figured he owed me,’ doesn't see a dime

Family is family, but sometimes family doesn't act so family…
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ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, cheating, cheater-caught, cheating-story, relationship-fail, relationship-problems, dump-him, breaking-up

'[I] gave him a ”good boy” and walked out': Boyfriend has affair with the cleaning lady, girlfriend finds out and enlists the dog in her petty revenge plot

Sometimes it's the little things that leave a big mark. In this case, it was a puppy just doing puppy things. It just so happened, that this particular puppy thing really came through for his recently heartbroken human mom. This Redditor starts her journey with a breakup. She and her boyfriend had been living together, but then after the boyfriend's red flags kept becoming more and more glaringly obvious, she knew the relationship was coming to an end. It was officially over when she found out…
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‘Quit Lying’ : Funniest Foolish Idiots Who Obviously Don’t Know the Rules of the Internet

‘Quit Lying’ : Funniest Foolish Idiots Who Obviously Don’t Know the Rules of the Internet

Liar, liar, pants on fire.
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daughter catches mom's boyfriend cheating, serves him piping hot justice

‘You’re gaslighting me so you don't look like the bad guy': Daughter catches mom's boyfriend cheating, epically tells him off and puts him in his place

“You and I both know that you got caught doing something wrong, that you weren't supposed to be doing, and you're gaslighting the absolute sh*t out of me so you don't look like the bad guy.”
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