

Always Low Prices, Never Car Insurance

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That Time Nicki Minaj Ruined a Dude's Car Insurance Payments

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Pass And You Can Take The 201 Course FAIL

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This R2-D2 Volkswagen Deserves a Larger X-Wing Volkswagen to Dock Into

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Mad Max: Apathy Road

Text - 26 mins - I drive way too fast for two reasons. 1. I drive to actually get somewhere. I spend enough time on the road as it is. 2. I really don't give a they're my immediate family. I have a nagging hope that maybe it'll be my last drive. Ever. Still here to piss and moan about it, unfortunately. about my safety, nor anyone else's, unless Like - Comment
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Forget a Clown Car, This 50-Person Van in China Has it Beat

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Totally Rad Spoiler FAIL

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It's a Free Country, I Can Swerve if I Want!

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It Looks Like it's too Late for That

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The Secret to Drifting: Don't Drift Like This Guy

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You Were Supposed to Go Left, Moron!

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