
career garage door repairman

reddit, failblog, r-maliciouscompliance, malicious-compliance, reddit-work-story, blue-collar-worker-story, working-hard, construction, garage-repair

'[He] was not the brightest': Manager gets cheap, so career garage door repairman finagles himself and crew a 2-3 hour lunch and 7+ hours a person in overtime pay

Isn't it funny when managers try to act like the know what they're doing but it's actually painfully obvious that they have NO idea and they are just talking as a power move? It's so comical and, honestly, sad. If you're a clueless manager, let me let you in a on a little secret: nobody cares that you're in charge, they care about getting their job done efficiently and acting their wages. So, as a quick PSA to managers, stop making it about you being high up on the executive ladder, we all know…
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