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'Coldest Regards': Job candidate's passive aggressive cover letter goes viral

The modern job application process is as dehumanizing as it's intended to be. Apply to 200 jobs, and you might hear back from five, eventually getting an interview with three, with (hopefully) one actually having a chance of progressing to employment. Long gone are the days of “Turn up at the office and chuck your CV at the nearest manager" to prove your gumption. I highly doubt that method was actually as efficient as we've been led to believe. Still, if your older relatives are to be believed…
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antiwork jobs toxic-workplace job job hunt candidates work new job interviews job-seeker toxic-boss workplace job interview toxic-work-environment - 20524805

'We will contact our lawyer': Company threatens candidate with legal action after they leave a review of their interview experience

Feedback is important but usually not well received. People generally don't like hearing all of the things that they could have done better; those with overly inflated egos tend to take this especially poorly. Sure, it doesn't feel good, but most of us would take the feedback—maybe apply it, maybe not—and move on from it. Only occasionally recollecting the exchange when the intrusive thoughts move in while trying to go to sleep at night. Rather than doing this, this company decided that they ne…
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antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace fired toxic-workplace workplace-story job candidates new job interviews job-seeker workplace job interview interview - 20525573

'Is it normal to be fired over text after two days': Worker fired from new job after second day without explanation

Starting a new job is stressful; you've traded the relative security of whatever job you've just left for the uncertainty of a new one. This entire process, from start to finish, is time-consuming and emotionally draining, leaving you hoping that you'll never have to go through it again… and then you get fired on your second day. This old bait and switch probably means that either someone realized they didn't have the budget for a new role that they thought they did, or layoffs are on their way…
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employment candidates jobs promotions promotion workplace quit quitting bad jobs antiwork toxic-workplace workplace-stories job-seeker workplace-story in-the-workplace - 20524293

'I put in my [four] week notice': Guy gets passed over for promotion, successful candidate tries to get him to do his work

Getting passed up for a promotion when you know you're the best candidate is heart-breaking—made worse by the fact that it's usually because of some petty political dynamic or so that they can bring in a nepotism hire. Bonus points when the person who successfully interviewed for the role turns around and asks you for help or tries to delegate your work because your peers and managers have recognized you as the “go-to person." Whatever you decide to do at that point… you probably would like to…
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work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace work stories toxic-workplace workplace-story candidates new job interviews job-seeker workplace job interview interview - 20384517

'I walked out of a shady orientation': Job-seeker ditches out of orientation for new job after spotting red flags

You should always be wary of the “walk back” as a manipulation tactic. Often used in sales and scams, the seller starts by offering something acceptable and slowly changes the terms of the deal to something that might have been unacceptable to start with but is now reluctantly accepted due to the sunk cost of invested time. Consecutive slight alterations to figures or terms should always raise red flags, and if something doesn't seem right you should always trust your gut instinct, just as this…
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work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace jobs workplace-story job job hunt candidates work coworkers interviews job-seeker workplace job interview interview job application antiwork - 20179205

'I basically leaked it through my cover letter': Job candidate guesses company's problematic secrets in their cover letter and gets call from the company's lawyer

Imagine submitting a cover letter that is so well written and on point with calling out and solving the company's problems that you immediately get contacted by the company's lawyer and a frantic department head who demand to know where you got your information. Then, after all of that, you still don't get the job when they balk at your compensation request… Talk about a roller coaster! If you've ever wanted undeniable proof that you have the qualifications for a position and are generally skil…
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace jobs now hiring manager job-seeking candidates hiring the-break-room workplace workers job interview - 19784197

'Imagine my surprise': Worker receives call from first job 16 years later asking them to come back

A lot can happen in 16 years. It's likely that in this time you would gain a wealth of knowledge, insight, and experiences. Heck, if this worker had had a child, they would be in high school. Still, you gotta love a trier—although it's a shame that this employer is probably one of the one's running around telling anyone who will listen that “nobody wants to work”
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