

Entitled people and their demands | come drop off still have Back deme Cont address, cheers Alright feel free drop ain't getting shit back and sure as hell not repairing shit Have my address is threat? Suck Today 10:08 AM Hey man bought guitar off last year do remember? my balls maniac right? Yeah do See ya tomo funny boy Summats wrong with neck strings are harder press down Sorry hear man. Maybe take an instrument repair shop or rockshop and let them have look? Bro listen either get repaired or

Entitled People and Their Unreasonable Demands

Imagine the confidence it takes to demand someone else fix a 30 dollar guitar you bought 8 months ago.
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Funny cheap guy wants to pay for 25 dollar grill in multiple payments | about $30 everything s little more helpful Let's meet middle 18 middle is fine 25 final Ok 's fair deal can make payments? yep. 1 payment, at pickup. No thinking give 10 pick up then 15 more two weeks

Absurd Buyer Wants to Buy $25 Grill in Installments

Interesting plan.
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Guys wife does error converting to metric and buys hundreds of pounds of bird seed | O r/tifu Posted by u/EdgarTFriendly 6 hours ago TIFU by getting my wife buy bird seed So spent last 20 minutes hypervnetlating with laughter and promised my wife wouldn't tell anyone know because she's bit humiliated so this is my way getting off my chest. Since lockdown, my wife and have found new appreciation garden isn't big isnt prett but 's way get outside and, given cabin fever experienced, this is nice fo

Metric Mistake Has Wife Buying Over a Hundred Pounds of Bird Seed

Good thing bird seed can also be used for, uh, hmm...
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Story of a guy who panic bought a ton of very spicy ramen | r/tifu Posted by u/GiveItARestYhYh 3 days ago 2 2 F2 4 2 TIFU by panic buying 40 packs hottest instant ramen on planet without actually reading description. M 10 days ago, my younger sister started developing cough. Understanding now need shut myself at least two weeks set about getting few supplies. Near enough everything completely sold out online, however managed find an amazon listing 40pcks ramen. Couldn't believe my luck! All were

Guy Accidentally Panic Bought Only Incredibly Spicy Ramen

That explains why it was the only one left.
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People's stories of their dumbest purchases

Regretful People Share their Dumbest Purchases

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Rude, absurd and entitled people who demand stuff.

Entitled Folks Whose Foolishness Knows No Bounds

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People being generally selfish, demanding ridiculous free stuff and services.

Frustrating Cheapskates Who Made Their Selfishness Someone Else's Problem

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AskReddit users share sketchy cheap buys that ended up being their best purchases.

37 Sketchy Cheap Buys That Ended Up Being People's Best Purchases

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dresses buying online FAIL shopping internet lol beauty clothes misleading funny - 8939013

17 Times People Fell Victim to Misleading Online Purchases

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choosing beggars that are cheap bastards

19 Cheap Bastards Who Tried to Take Advantage of People

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buying frustrating wtf kids mother switch ridiculous entitled video games funny stupid nintendo selling - 7803909

Discusted Single Mother Melts Down Trying To Purchase Nintendo Switch

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buying deal wtf text cars facebook ridiculous dumb idiots cheap funny money stupid selling - 7233029

14 Ridiculous Cheapskates Who Don't Deserve Your Dollar

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14 Times Laughable Cheapskates Tried to Swindle People

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cheapskates people being cheap

14 Irritating Cheapskates Who Tried to Dupe People out of Their Dollar

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